View Full Version : Profilux 3EX Network Problem

11.04.2012, 11:00
Every 2-3 days my P3eX loose network connectivity. There is nothing wrong with my network itself, it is in my office and there are 25 computers attached Which all work. To fix this, I can power off and then on the P3eX and it works, but it stops after another 2-3 days again.

Previously it was working just fine, I have had it only since December 2011 so I am surprised it has stopped working so quickly.

Please can you help, I am using the latest firmware (5.11) and the latest software ProfiLuxControl. I am trying to access the webpage using a browser OR using the software, neither of them work until I turn it off-and-on again. Thank you.

GHL Support
11.04.2012, 13:15
Is the ProfiLux operating with a fixed IP?
Did you check the router settings, especially the DHCP settings.
The ProfiLux IP should be in an IP range locked for the DCHP (to avoid the IP is assigned to an other device)

11.04.2012, 13:19
The P3 is using DHCP, with a reservation based on its MAC address. The reservation is done on our PDC which is running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprice, and is not overlapped by any other address pools. This configuration has NOT changed since I bought the P3 and has worked fine until very recently.

Are you suggesting that I should assign a fixed IP to the P3 that matches the reservation in the PDC?

GHL Support
11.04.2012, 13:32
Maybe this could be a solution.

We recommend the fixed IP, because the IP reservation maybe lost under some circumstances.
With the result the PLC settings does not match anymore.

Some routers allow to define a DCHP range (work with fixed IPs and dynamic IPs)

11.04.2012, 13:37
Okay I've left the reservation in the DHCP settings but changed the LAN settings of the P3 to be static with an identical IP, I shall report back if the problem occurs again. Thank you.

14.04.2012, 13:49
The problem has happened again, sometime between last night and this morning. I am using a fixed IP as I said 3 days ago, and exactly the same issue has occurred.

Does this mean I have a hardware fault with my P3 and need to get it replaced, or is this is software / firmware fault?

16.04.2012, 08:23
Hello Jeremy,

you wrote
Previously it was working just fine, I have had it only since December 2011 so the hardware is working.

It seems something has changed in your network, maybe you can find out what this was.

Possibly another device gets the IP assigned from DHCP, which you are using as a fixed IP for your ProfiLux.

Does this mean I have a hardware fault with my P3 and need to get it replaced, or is this is software / firmware fault?
nothing of both, please check the settings, maybe it helps to change the IP range of your DHCP server

16.04.2012, 08:37
Every 2-3 days my P3eX loose network connectivity. There is nothing wrong with my network itself, it is in my office and there are 25 computers attached Which all work. To fix this, I can power off and then on the P3eX and it works, but it stops after another 2-3 days again.


I have exactly the same problem when I connect the PL3 to a bigger network (>100 computer). Now I have a small router (Apple AirPort Extreme) between the bigger network and the PL3 and anything is working fine.


16.04.2012, 08:49

I have exactly the same problem when I connect the PL3 to a bigger network (>100 computer). Now I have a small router (Apple AirPort Extreme) between the bigger network and the PL3 and anything is working fine.


Thanks, that might be something I do but I'd really like the thing just to play properly with my corporate network first.

Rather than leaving the reservation for the IP in the DHCP table, I've now manually excluded the fixed IP from the DHCP range altogether. So that means nothing can possibly be handed out that IP, although in all honestly it meant that before because unless some other device was MAC-spoofing and happened to spoof exactly the P3's MAC (highly unlikely!) it shouldn't have been possible to hand out the reserved IP in the first place.

We'll see if this new modification works, but it's a little disappointing that the network module in this thing doesn't seem to conform to the usual DHCP / IP standards. Everything else on the network is absolutely fine and never falls off, just the P3 - so it seems to me that the problem lies with the firmware rather than my network and I'm having to find workarounds on my domain controller as a result.

23.04.2012, 07:51
Thanks, that might be something I do but I'd really like the thing just to play properly with my corporate network first.

Rather than leaving the reservation for the IP in the DHCP table, I've now manually excluded the fixed IP from the DHCP range altogether. So that means nothing can possibly be handed out that IP, although in all honestly it meant that before because unless some other device was MAC-spoofing and happened to spoof exactly the P3's MAC (highly unlikely!) it shouldn't have been possible to hand out the reserved IP in the first place.

We'll see if this new modification works, but it's a little disappointing that the network module in this thing doesn't seem to conform to the usual DHCP / IP standards. Everything else on the network is absolutely fine and never falls off, just the P3 - so it seems to me that the problem lies with the firmware rather than my network and I'm having to find workarounds on my domain controller as a result.

So, it lost connection yet again. There is no question in my mind that the GHL network setup isn't responding correctly to a normal corporate network, despite having a fixed IP and the DHCP assignments being completely outside of that IP range.

In addition, I have a problem with the powerbar. One of the six plugs simply won't work, whatever I do. The red light comes on to show its powered but nothing flows through it.

Are there individual fuses for each plug which I would need to change possibly?

23.04.2012, 12:13
please open new threads for new topics

23.04.2012, 12:15
Well ok, but what about the existing topic. Do I have a fault with my system given that I have done everything you have told me and the GHL unit still falls off the network every few days and requires a reboot?

23.04.2012, 18:32
You should consider to add a router to your setup (as mentioned above). I know, this is not a perfect solution but it works and it is cheap.

Matthias, this seems to be a problem in bigger networks where something crashes the network stack of the Profilux. If you wan't to test/debug this in our network be my guest.


23.04.2012, 19:15
You should consider to add a router to your setup (as mentioned above). I know, this is not a perfect solution but it works and it is cheap.

Matthias, this seems to be a problem in bigger networks where something crashes the network stack of the Profilux. If you wan't to test/debug this in our network be my guest.


Yes I guess I could do this, I just don't really see why it should be necessary in the sense that there is obviously a problem with the GHL system and they should be the ones to fix it! Or they could pay for a router to sit in between their hardware and my network I suppose...

Geoffroy Docq
23.04.2012, 22:34
Hi, i have exactly the same problem.
Profilux is disconnected from the network after few days ....
Even if profilux is using a fixed address and router don't restart.
I created a post several months ago without feedback.
No, you are not alone ! ;-)
best regards

24.04.2012, 06:29
When Michael mentions a router, presumably you mean more than a switch? I.e. you need something that will take away the DHCP messages and insulate the Profilux from them? I'm asking only because that seems like an obvious place to start when it comes to debugging the root cause of this.

Out of interest, which router would you use and how would you configure it? If I setup a router in pass-through it will simply act like a switch which won't gain me anything - or will it?

24.04.2012, 07:38

I have a Apple Airport Extreme. Previously it was configured as a switch and it pass-through anything from the bigger network (especially tons of broadcasts). In this configuration the PL3 stops networking after 1-3 days. Now it is configured as a router with NAT and a private network on the PL3 side.


24.04.2012, 07:49

I have a Apple Airport Extreme. Previously it was configured as a switch and it pass-through anything from the bigger network (especially tons of broadcasts). In this configuration the PL3 stops networking after 1-3 days. Now it is configured as a router with NAT and a private network on the PL3 side.


Right ok but then that means a new (different) subnet and 2 sets of port forwarding required, plus a decent cheap router costs around £30. It also means that if the PL3 does fall off the network again it won't be possible to auto-scan from a PC connected on the outside of the NAT.

I appreciate your help here Michael, definitely. And I may well spend the money and time to configure this setup. But the clear fact is that GHL has created a problem and they need to fix it. After all, I spent just over EUR1,000 for this system and I could have gone with Aquatronica as I do at home but I choose this one because it had built-in networking.

GHL, please could you admit there's a problem and fix it rather than telling us that it must be our networks that are causing the issue.

24.04.2012, 12:02
I had the same issue since the beginning and was even on the initial testing user group... there is a network problem and it's really annoying when it's the only device on your network that is acting out like and thins and it's your network that's blamed.

The network stack is really not stable in the P3 compared to the old Xport module (wired) that the PII was using plus we lost the ability to do firmware update over the network.

24.04.2012, 13:37
The network stack is really not stable in the P3

Can´t confirm that. Starting from firmware 5.06 (there was a prob before) my PL3 network connection is is rock solid. I perform all 5 minutes a request and it´s working for month (always until next FW release).

we lost the ability to do firmware update over the network.
That´s a tecnical issue. LAN is part of the PL3 firmware, so an update via LAN is impossible. For PLII the LAN was never part of the firmware but realized with a LAN<>serial addon card. I´m not sure, but if you install another LAN card into the PLC update should be possible via the LAN port of this card [if you really need it]

24.04.2012, 14:16
I have the same problem too and I am absolutely sure that I have NO problem on my Network!!! (and a fixed IP)

25.04.2012, 17:37
Well, today sets a new record for the P3 losing a network connection. I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to version 5.12 firmware since it has finished the beta, so did that at 10am this morning. By 4pm this afternoon I had lost connection and needed to reboot everything.

Guys, this thing is BROKEN. You really need to fix it.

27.04.2012, 15:41
Dear Jeremy,

if you think you have a defective device then please contact your retailer for further support and details