View Full Version : Turning off 3 Plugs with 1 sensor?

28.12.2011, 23:42

I have just got my profilux recently and am wondering how i can set an optical level sensor to turn off 3 plug points when the sensor state is out of water?

I would like be able to turn the plugs off but then keep them off even though the water will cover the sensor soon after it has been uncovered.

I then want a higher level sensor to turn them back on.

any advice here? and do i have to use programmable logic in some way?


29.12.2011, 09:38
just use the mode "min-max-control", this does exactly what you want here

switching 3 sockets with these 2 sensors is also not a problem, assign function "water 1" to these 3 sockets

29.12.2011, 12:40
Thanks Matthias!

I managed to turn my return pump off with min-max by inverting it so that when the level drops the return pump is off.

The problem i have is that when the return pump is off level 1 goes higher again and then turns the pump on again.

I want level 2 to start the pump only.

is this possible with min-max control?

29.12.2011, 12:53
I guess what I am ultimately trying to achieve is

level 1 reached - return pump off, powerheads off

level 2 reached - fill pump off, return pump on, powerheads on

I want to start the fill pump when drain pump is finished. I will start drain pump based on a timer.

29.12.2011, 14:58
hm, this sounds more complicate than I thought ...

I think it is easy for return pump and powerheads, you can achieve this easily as explained above.

But the fill pump / drain pump thing is obviously soemthing for timers and programmable logic.

29.12.2011, 15:07
Yeah I understand what you mean

I got everything working using the min max control (had the level sensors the wrong way round at first)

Am now just left with the turning off of the fill pump when level 2 is reached.

I was thinking something like a programable logic with the NAND function where the output is off if a timer is on and level 2 is reached. If the timer is on and level 2 is not reached then the fill pump will be on.

Is this possible with out changing the current min-max level which is working?

29.12.2011, 15:55
This worked (partly!)

problem was that when the timer stopped obviously the salt fill started again as it had 1 input on. mmmm just trying to rack my brain with a solution

any advice is welcome?

29.12.2011, 19:52
Got in working!

Thank you Matthais for getting me on the right track with the min-max level!

I now just need to tweek it with some extra safety and disable ato whilst running it but very happy I can change the saltwater automatically!