View Full Version : PLC5 shows wrong FW of Expansion Box

13.12.2011, 08:56
I am using PLC 5.11 and have upgrade successfully the 2 expansions boxes and the 1 PAB Powerbar I am using.

If I go to "System" and "click" on the first expansion box, I see version 1.05, if I "click" to the second expansion box I see version 1.06 and if I "click" on the Powerbar I see 1.05.

Did the upgrade twice in all three devices, nothing changed.

(I don't know if it means something but the right FW is shown in the device with address 18, address 19 & 20 shows the previous version).

13.12.2011, 12:41
I don't have any PAB devices, but I understand that you have to remove them and then reassign the devices after upgrade. However I am not an expert in those at this time and I suggest you do a forum search on that.

13.12.2011, 20:18
I don't have any PAB devices, but I understand that you have to remove them and then reassign the devices after upgrade. However I am not an expert in those at this time and I suggest you do a forum search on that.

+1 idd reset and reassign

14.12.2011, 00:47
Have the same in PLC with my PAB-Powerbar and my Touch.... does not matter what I do(PAB reset, firmware reinstall power on/of, connect disconnect, etc etc..),the firmware versions are shown the wrong way around. The Powerbar shows my Touch firmware version and my Touch shows my Powerbar firmware version

But not really that important because everything works fine.


17.12.2011, 14:27
Makes 2 of us.

Yes, everything is working great, but when now and then I check if any updated needed, I allways remember not to upgrade after I have started..