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View Full Version : thunderstorm - whites stick on

30.10.2011, 01:46
Either since I upgraded software or upgrades to the sol blues, when I run a thunderstorm, the white lights "stick" on after a lightning strike. They turn on and off, then the whites stay on for a few seconds longer and shut off at different intervals (one AI may be on for a few seconds, then a few seconds later another AI's white shuts off)

And then, sometimes, the white just "sticks" on....

Any ideas?

30.10.2011, 12:49
+ 1
Same has been going on here since the upgrade.

31.10.2011, 17:39
What version are you currently running and what did you upgrade from?

31.10.2011, 21:26
I am currently running 5.10. It's been going on since I updated from 5.7 to 5.10.
Not a big deal, but it's not like it was before.

01.11.2011, 18:00
Same here, upgraded to the latest version.
The whites do not just flash on and off - some of them will flash on and off quickly, but others will come on, stay on for 5-10 seconds, then go off. Sometimes they just stay on at full brightness and won't change until the lighting scheme changes.
Any ideas?

06.11.2011, 07:06
Any idea?

06.11.2011, 13:30
I guess NO ANSWERS????

11.11.2011, 17:01
Here's a video of it happening...

11.11.2011, 17:04
Here's a video of it happening...


No doubt about it something's not configured right. Hopefully one of the support will see this and reply shortly.

11.11.2011, 17:13
I agree. And its only been going on since last update.
Awaiting answers.

11.11.2011, 17:17
I'm very confident someone will reply soon to this issue. :)

11.11.2011, 17:23
I hope it gets fixed, it looks too weird right now!

14.11.2011, 17:27

I didn't understand if you say the issue occured after an update of the AI lamp or after an update of ProfiLux.

However, I talked to Chris from about this problem and he recommended to change something in the communication protocol
This has been done in 5.11.
Please try firmware 5.11.

15.11.2011, 14:14
I'm away on business right now, will try it when I get back!

20.11.2011, 18:44

i have tried it with the latest firmware..... its not fixed :(

20.11.2011, 18:48
Same here!!!!! Not fixed with latest update.

25.11.2011, 17:45
this is great - it seems they changed something in their firmware (the older lamps from AI still work correctly) but they don't tell us all details or what to do to get it working with the newer lamps

we followed what Chris from AI said in the last update but obviously that was not all, unfortunately I have no lamp here for testing

I really run out of ideas

25.11.2011, 17:46
Please give me an exact summary of the problem in a few words, maybe I just didn`t understand it correctly.

And there is still one question open I asked twice:

Is this problem happening since AI-update or ProfiLux-update? Very important to get the right answer!

25.11.2011, 17:51
Problem has been going on since update of Profilux to 5.10 on.
Not light upgrade

06.12.2011, 03:45
Interesting - I just triggered a thunderstorm and got no "sticking". The only thing I can think of that's different is that it was the time of day when no "whites" were on (they were ramped down to 0 by then)...

I'll try again tomorrow when the whites are up a bit and see if it happens.

23.12.2011, 04:08
Still happening - it only happens if the whites are >0% when the tstorm happens. I spoke to AI, and they said it doesn't happen with their controller, so it must be a ghl control issue...

23.12.2011, 10:34
yes.... i agree with you ..... i have the AI controller and when i set thunderstorm it is working ok.... if i connect my modules to the profilux controller whites stick.....
the only way to have a proper thunderstorm with the latest firmware is to do it when all lights are set to 0% ...

it is during the phasing down that the whites start to stick.... actually sometimes the whole module lights up at 100% and then fades down...... its like something is triggering a reboot of the unit.... i think.....

23.12.2011, 16:09
Definitely the same here. I did on next the AI to the AI controller and set up T storms and they go off PERFECT. Switch back to GHL and they "stick" as described.
Hopefully soon there will be an upgrade.

26.12.2011, 14:04
Exact same issue here - It's a shame. It was cool to show off the lightening simulation with the AI controller, but I have the GHL feature turned off.

27.12.2011, 03:47
Sounds like another wish for the new year!!!!

28.12.2011, 09:42
the problem is I don`t get the technical support and details from AI as it would be necessary to solve this

we don`t have an AI lamp here for testing - does someone in Germany has this lamp? so it is maybe possible to do some tests

28.12.2011, 16:56
I haved the same problem with the thunderstorm, i uppgradering to the latest Firmware today V5,11 but its the same the
thunderstorm dont work correctly.


29.12.2011, 09:48
Let us search for the differences between what ProfiLux and the AI controller is doing, please answer these questions about the AI controller:

1.) has someone a manual which describes the thunderstrom function, can I get one?

2.) is AI ramping down the light during a thunderstorm or is it immediately dark?

3.) are flashes made only during complete darkness?

maybe someone can explain the complete process of the AI thunderstorm simulation in detail

29.12.2011, 10:59
Hello Matthias

I Will try to answer your question.

1. I have no instructions how the thunderstorm work on the AI lamps only the programming guide for GHL,I can mail you à coppy if you want

2.the AI lamp is ramping down certin nummer % 0-100 under the thunderstorm.

3. the Flashes start under the ramping down period

29.12.2011, 11:44
thanks for your answers, still not clear enough: (to make it clear - I am talking about the AI controller here, I know how our functions are working...)
- do they also ramp down to 0% or is it possible that they can stop at a certain level (e.g. 10%), is this an adjustable value?
the Flashes start under the ramping down period
does this mean flashes start AFTER the brightness ramped down or DURING it is ramping down?

29.12.2011, 12:08
thanks for your answers, still not clear enough: (to make it clear - I am talking about the AI controller here, I know how our functions are working...)
- do they also ramp down to 0% or is it possible that they can stop at a certain level (e.g. 10%), is this an adjustable value?
does this mean flashes start AFTER the brightness ramped down or DURING it is ramping down?

You decide howe many % off the light some will be ramping down under the thunderstorm. So if you have the white lights on 60% and haved tell the system att it Will reducering the light *90% Itt Will ramping down to 6-7%

The Flashes start during it is ramping down.

29.12.2011, 12:11
this is exactly what ProfiLux does

Are you talking about ProfiLux or about the Aqua Illumination controller? I wanted to know what the AI controller does.

29.12.2011, 12:20
this is exactly what ProfiLux does

Are you talking about ProfiLux or about the Aqua Illumination controller? I wanted to know what the AI controller does.

Hmm im talking about the Profilux, i haved not used the AI controller to simulated the thunderstorm, sorry

Maybe somebody how has can answer this question.

29.12.2011, 13:06
One Thought

Eyrlier version off the Firmware (6 month ago) the thunderstorm works perfect, look in an older firmwear and comare, the answer must be there.

29.12.2011, 14:54
so your AI lamp did not change?

with the same lamp you had suddenly problems when the ProfiLux firmware changed?

is this correct?

do you know the last version it worked correctly?

29.12.2011, 15:26
so your AI lamp did not change?

with the same lamp you had suddenly problems when the ProfiLux firmware changed?

is this correct?

do you know the last version it worked correctly?

Thats correct, i have not change the AI lamps, and what i now its only the firmweare to the controller you can change and i never haved used the controller.

So no change on the AI lamps and the thunderstorm stopp working whit a firmweare uppdate to the Profilux3 Ex

Im not sure but meaby ver 5,7-5,8

29.12.2011, 20:21
5.9 was the last firmware it worked. Once I updated to current, problem started.

29.12.2011, 22:14
5.9 was the last firmware it worked. Once I updated to current, problem started.

Thank you Doggydoc10 for the correct firmweare version, V5,9

30.12.2011, 16:30
thanks for the hints, we check what has happened between 5.09 and 5.10

I think we added support for the 3 channel lamp

30.12.2011, 16:48
Thanks Matthias.

31.12.2011, 10:41
thanks for the hints, we check what has happened between 5.09 and 5.10

I think we added support for the 3 channel lamp

Good, hope you find the problem.


09.04.2012, 12:52
thanks for the hints, we check what has happened between 5.09 and 5.10

I think we added support for the 3 channel lamp

Hi Mattihas

Howe is it going with the thunderstorm problem.

I have tested the latest firmwear 5,12 and the problem is still there, i havet discover this, When there are no lights on the white leds the thunderstorm work great but When the white leds lightning the thunderstorm get creasy.

09.04.2012, 15:51
I am sorry, but we can't improve the control for AI lamps anymore

it is not possible to find a control algorithm which works wit all AI lamps, it seem the firmware in the AI lamps have different states

we have it programmed now in a way that it works on the majority of the AI lamps

maybe AI is willing to do a firmware update for your lamp, I see no other chance

09.04.2012, 18:40
I also gave up.... I have excluded thunderstorms
From the system.... It is impossible to make firmware upgrade on the AI
Lamps because you have to send the driver board to the USA

I will have to wait till GHL releases their own lamps and just replace the 11 modules I have from AI
At least I'll have some proper cloud passing effect in my tank that I always found to be more beautiful
Than just thunders


10.04.2012, 19:30
Well its no funny to send the main bord back to USA only to get right firmwear, ho nows ..soon its need another
firmwear uppdate.

Good to no that the cloud simulate still working but if it is diffrent firmwear in the AI modules and GHL dont support it, it is
soon impossible to even control the light.

But offcourse we dont ned to uppdated the firmwear in Profilux.....

19.02.2014, 01:29
GHL - any updates with this? It would be really great if AI & GHL could get together and brainstorm this! Very frustrating; I bought the AI's just because of how GHL could control them.
what I have found is it only sticks on if there are white's already "active" during a flash. If I have the t-storm ramp the white lighting down to 0%, this effect doesn't happen as noticeably.

GHL Support
19.02.2014, 08:01
There are no changes or updates, it depends on AI (see post 43).
If there are any changes, we'll announce it.