View Full Version : Can't calibrae pH

25.08.2011, 12:45

I have a PIII with firmware 5.1.00. I'm trying to find how to calibrate my pH probe but can't find it anywhere.

I go to Probesettings> pH probe> .... (here should it be if i follow the information on the internet, but can't find it)

kind regards,

GHL Support
25.08.2011, 13:03
Perhaps the sensor input is disabled.
The sensor has to be enabled before you could calibrate it (Sensorsettings->pH value->Activity->Sensor active = yes)

25.08.2011, 14:47
ok, thanks! it was enabled, but re-enabled did it.

But, when i put the sensor in 4,01, it gives 4,01. When i put it in 7,01 it gives 7,01.In the tank it gives 10,5+! seems impossible to me, corals are doing fine like always

25.08.2011, 14:58
For sea water you should calibrate the probe with ph 7/9 not with 4/7 which is for fresh water.

25.08.2011, 15:04
ok, i will try that. Thanks

26.09.2011, 20:28
Hi what calibration fluid should i use for the the probe in the calcium reactor? i use 4.01 and 7.00 or do i need to use 7.00 and 9.00 this is for a reef tank

30.09.2011, 12:25
depends on the pH value you want to achieve: the calibration fluids should cover this range

01.10.2011, 14:22
For a calcium reactor as you are wanting a controlled value of less than 7 (nominal value set to 6.5 or less) you would use pH 4 and pH7 calibrations