View Full Version : Firmware Upgrade 5.05? - 5.09 (3ex)

24.07.2011, 07:12
Had to replace a fault screen for my 3ex today. Thought I would take the oppotunity to upgrade my firmware so saved down my settings for sensors and Profilux Control. Have tried to reload and when i try to reload it says "Firmware version of file and device are different" if I continue it comes up with "types of file and device are not compatible".
Looking at the sensor and setting files i saved the first line says:
0, "CODE_SOFTWAREVERSION", 505 (i assume my old firmware version was 5.05)

Can i extract the info from the sensor file (if so how?) or do i need to buy calibration fluids?

24.07.2011, 08:59

I guess the P3eX is only recognized as a P3 after replacing the fron PCB.

Please do the "Hardware-Updgrade eXtended" with PLC (menu extras) first.

24.07.2011, 09:42
Thanks Mathias, that worked perfectly!