View Full Version : current measurement

24.01.2011, 07:56
What is this feature useful for? Can it detect a clog (too much calcium build up) in a pump or that the pump needs cleaning?

GHL Support
24.01.2011, 13:23
This feature is planned to detect if a device (eg. pump/filter) is running within its normal parameters.

In case of a filter or pump:
If the current stays at 0A the pump/filter draw nor current, so it's obviously not running. Therefore the device should draw a measurable current which is not too low.
In the other case if the pump/filter draw too much current, it may be too dirty or is blocked by something.

08.02.2011, 18:55
nice feature. How does it work, will there be a detector in the aquarium (in front of the outflow) or will it be inside the device itself or maybe only suitable for certain type of filters? Oh and lastly when will it be launched? It would be great to have multiple sensors to monitor flow in the entire aquarium.

08.02.2011, 19:22
The Powerbar 6D-PAB has it still available & build-in