View Full Version : Email Only Works Manually

16.01.2011, 16:22
First off, all other connectivity items related to the ProFilux and the Internet are working for me so I know my connection is good.

I've setup email (From Profilux as well as from PC) - Email to my yahoo account works. However, it only works if 'manually triggered'. For instance, If I set an email to be sent 'on alarm' or at a certain time of day... It will not work. If I click on 'test' of that same email it works just fine and I'm able to see the email on Yahoo.

First I tried email with tokens (sensor status, alarm status) and then just a simple test text. Again, emails are only sent (from Profilux) when I manually push the test button. If I desire them to be sent when an alarm condition exists or at a certain time of day. No emails are sent (yes, I checked Yahoo and the emails are not getting stopped by their SPAM filter). Again, emails are only transmitted when the TEST button is used.

Am I missing something? Is this fixed in the Version 6 code?


GHL Support
18.01.2011, 13:30
Hello, we will check this. Can you give us the firmware version and ProfiLuxControl version you are using?

18.01.2011, 13:49
are you running firmware 5.05f?

20.01.2011, 04:44
Sorry for the delay, I've been off line...

Yes - 5.05F is the firmware version I'm running. from 08 December 2010

24.01.2011, 10:40
Please send me your smtp server login details per PM.

We will do a bigger Mailing test in the next days and all users who have problems with their mail providers and ProfiLux mailings
can send their smtp-server config to me. We will come back to you as soon as we know more...

24.01.2011, 16:30
The emials I've got setup are 'From Profilux' and not 'from PC'. I'm able to hit the 'test' button and receive the emails. However, the Profilux doesnt seem to trigger by itself. I've got two emails setup; one to send sensor readings at 1pm every day and another to send alarm status when a 'new alarm' is present.

I belive the SMTP portion is working because I can press the 'test' button and receive the emails moments later, its just not triggering automatically..

I can send you screen captures, but cant figure out how to attach here.

03.02.2011, 16:10
Caroline also my mail doensn't function under firmware 5.04a ?
It's not triggerd by my Profilux II.

04.02.2011, 00:02
Caroline also my mail doensn't function under firmware 5.04a ?
It's not triggerd by my Profilux II.

plz be aware that a P2 will need to have a PC attached with PLC running to be able to send out emails -technically- the PLC software running on the computer is sending out the emails since the P2 can't do that by itself.

10.02.2011, 04:28
For my particular troubles, I'm running firmware 5.05F and a Profilux III ex

Still emails only work if I press the "TEST" button.

Emails that the Profilux should send when under an alarm condition do not happen

GHL Support
11.02.2011, 11:47
I use the feature "email on alarm" with our test system (version 5.05f). It works without any problem.
The scheduled email feature may have a 1 minute delay, but also works. Is there a permanent connection to the ProfiLux webserver?

11.02.2011, 16:46
you DID program the email for the P3 and not the the PLC email (plc can only send emails on alarms when its connected)
P3 always IF its connected to the internet