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View Full Version : Update from 4 to 5 ?

12.10.2010, 16:15
I have the Profilux II with firmware 4.8x and looking into updating to 5.x.
I know I will loose all my settings and made screenshots from the recent configurations to remember what I have to set.

Few questions:

I have also a PAB and a 4 x dosing unit. I remember I had to assign them numbers by plugging each directly into the controller. Will I have to go through the whole procedure again or will those settings be saved after upgrading?

I wrote down the calibration numbers for the PH and temp probe. Do I have to recalibrate or can I just enter those numbers into the software

Can I go straight away to the newest 5.x version or do I have to go through each version of the 5.x versions?

Anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks for any help

12.10.2010, 19:16
1) PAB doesn't work on a P2 its a P3 only feature since the P2 can't support the PAB bus. The P2 doesn't have the 'ooomph' to use the PAB possibilities
config from 4 to 5 must be redone completely.
2) the settings can be restored if you manipulate some values and import the values ( other ppl might know which ones you need to look for)
3) you can go the latest and greatest in 1 step , ( don't forget to update to the correct PLC)
4) read 1 again.

12.10.2010, 19:24
Thanks for the quick reply.

My mistake. I didn't mean PAB but the digital power bar.
Do I have to configure this one in conjunction with the dosing unit from scratch?

Thanks again

12.10.2010, 19:28
you will have to reconfigure it again idd.