View Full Version : Charting energy use combined with data from probes is it possible?

24.10.2023, 18:27
I have not been able to find a way to graph power consumption using the 6E-pab when my heater/chiller cycles on and off, is this possible with ghl profilux 4? And if so is that possible to graph against the tanks temps so I can clearly see when the heater/chiller cycles on and off. I've done this with the dreaded apex in the past and found it to be a useful feature to ensure that things are working as they are programmed to do. I have searched online and on here looking for the answer and cannot find a single post that addresses this topic which surprises me. Thanks

24.10.2023, 19:34
perhaps this can help?
https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/p4-monitoring-ato-pump-controlled-via-ato-controller.1013798/ post #8