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View Full Version : Change version doser after emergency update

17.09.2022, 12:47
Hi All,
I have a trouble with my GHL Doser 2.1 SA. When i did firmware update i lost electricity in my house. Then Doser didn't response, i did emergency update (carefully and step by step from manual), all operations were completed successfully. After connecting via USB, all my settings remained the same and did not go anywhere.
I could not access my Doser through the cloud, "error, incorrect hardware", after I checked the serial number, it also remained the same. And only at the very end I discovered the problem that my Doser 2.1 SA became Doser Maxi. Now I have two dosing heads that do not work, and the buttons on the front panel, the first two rotate the motor forward and the second two backward.
I tried to update several more times with different firmware versions, but everything ends the same way. What should I do to change everything back?
perhaps you have a different firmware and I can install it?

18.09.2022, 12:52
I resolved my problem. I think GHL know :) (I mean capacitor). So now i have other problem. I can't connect my device to myGHL cloud. Yes, device online and i can manage it directly from my phone (on the home wifi network). Whet i try connect i got "classic" msg. Do u can check my ID 1814708876 ?
P.S. Led logo blink white then blink blue. All settings is enable, if try to do from mobile phone i got the same problem

18.09.2022, 18:44
I resolve this problem too :)
I made a big investigation when try repair my doser (restore pcb board).
Thx a lot