View Full Version : Mitras project for Freshwater Tank

12.09.2022, 23:13
Anyone has a FRESH WATER tank and can share their project for Mitras?
Setting up a secondary Discus tank with SOME plants and would like to upload a pre existing light project for Mitras.
There are SOME in the website available for download but they are for LIGHTBARS and not for Mitras.

Thank you very much.

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13.09.2022, 08:03
Which Mitras model do you have

regards Pit

13.09.2022, 10:55
Mitras 7206

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20.09.2022, 03:47
Anyone can help?
Someone has to have a program already loaded into the Mitras
Thank You

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20.09.2022, 14:38
Are you sure you are using a 7206 on fresh water. If so, I would need to modify a template accordingly. Do you have many plants in your aquarium?

regards Pit

20.09.2022, 15:41
Yes I am sure I am using a 7206
I am the original owner and used to have some on my reef tank.

That’s why I am asking to see if anyone can help me with a preset configuration.
And yes I am planning on a heavily planted tank.

Thank You for your reply

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20.09.2022, 17:42
It's not quite that simple. I have made you a customized template once. But be sure to use the acclimation starting at 50% for 3 weeks if your aquarium is already planted.


regards Pit

20.09.2022, 17:47
Thank you very much
I TRULY appreciate it.
I know it’s NOT simple
That’s why I decided to ask
Again thank you very much for your reply

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