View Full Version : Deleting KHD Results

28.03.2022, 21:42
Is there an easy way to delete Alkalinity results for a KHD slave from a P4? Using the GHL Connect App I know I could delete individual test results (menu->control->KHD->history…) but I’d just like to wipe it as there are about 2 years of tests. I’d also prefer not to use GCC (if it is even possible) as all I have are Macs and I would like to avoid paying $75 to renew my Parallel subscription just to delete them.

29.03.2022, 22:55
No, this is not an option.

If you don't want to see so much data, you don't necessarily have to delete them. You can use the filter tool and set it to show you the results for the day - month.

29.03.2022, 23:53
Is it not possible on any platform or just the app? If it is possible on GCC, what steps would I need to take to?

07.04.2022, 01:03
Well while waiting for a response, I ended up renewing my Parallel subscription for another year.

If anyone is planning on selling (or purchasing) a p4, there is no easy way to wipe everything from it. Through GCC, you ARE able to reset settings to the factory, however your KHD and sensor results must be deleted individually.