View Full Version : com error 62

25.02.2010, 01:31
After staying connected for 2-5 min i am getting this error. connection via LAN. New Profilux control- undated today!

25.02.2010, 01:34
You're lucky. With WLAN usually it's less than 1 minute. It's the firmware.

25.02.2010, 08:05
if not already done - please update to newest firmware and ProfiLuxControl

25.02.2010, 16:15
if not already done - please update to newest firmware and ProfiLuxControl

I did, to 5.09. with this firmware i get this error

25.02.2010, 17:46
please activate the communication monitor and let me know what it reports

25.02.2010, 23:22
please activate the communication monitor and let me know what it reports

avarage response time 31


transmision in total 1320

26.02.2010, 02:10
My numbers are similar. Response time between 35 to 37ms. Communications error 62 and 50. 3 black bars. Latest software and firmware. WLAN.

26.02.2010, 08:40
let's wait for the next firmware, coming very soon

there I changed some things, even a bad connection over WLAN should not lead to a disconnect

26.02.2010, 11:10
That's a good idea. Will it reconnect automatically or maybe a refresh or reload button like the Web Browsers?

26.02.2010, 11:17

I played with wireshark because I also got disconnects (see download part of the forum ), I had them while transferring the config to the pc so I started sniffing. Anyway even with browsing through the Profilux control I got the error. and it seems that the profilux sends a RST over the network => which ends the connection offcourse.

Also the communiction from the P3 are ALOT of very small packages ( most of them seem to be 16 bytes per package, so I guess that's 1 setting )

Every crash since sniffing with Wireshark has been ended by the P3 sending a RST on the TCP connection. I never saw a TCP retransmit on TCP level or any TCP issues before the RST of the P3

remark: P3 is there the ip that ends with .147 (or scp-config -> in the info part)

A test with 'no load' on the network: only profiluxcontrol running
reset of the P3 (jpg image is a bit corrupt)

Test with 3 youtube movies streaming
reset of the P3

Test with configuration save (this is a selected TCP stream of the profilux communication)
Reset of the P3

again, the P3 resets without any TCP retransmit or network issue beforehand
anyway IF it needs to retransmit it's not because of the TCP issue , it must be the Proiflux control <> P3 taken the decission. (your communication protocol in the P3 )

26.02.2010, 15:13
thanks for the hints - I am sure they can help us to improve the transmission