View Full Version : ph probe calibration

24.09.2021, 04:45
why does the profilux 4e kit only include only ph 7, and ph 4 calibration fluid ? the manual states ph7,4 are for freshwater and ph 7 and ph 9 calibration must be used for saltwater. i am pretty sure more then 95% of people who bought this are using profilux for saltwater so why include calibration fluids for freshwater only ? $900 worth of equipment and cannot include something worth probably less then a couple of dollar ? doesn't make sense.

I just realized the KH director, which i also bought a while back and abandoned because of many inconsistency issues also comes packaged with ph7 and ph4 calibration fluids. This totally doesn't make sense at all. your instruction manual specifically requires ph7 , ph 9 for saltwater, while you supply users with ph7, ph4 ?!!?! why ?

24.09.2021, 21:46

Refer to your post on R2R for an answer as to why that is.

Refer to the KHD manual for an answer as to why 4 and 7 fluids are used by the KHD.