View Full Version : Sump and Skimmer Control with float sensors

27.12.2020, 22:28
I have 2 float sensors that I would like to set up sump too full and skimmer cup control.

I am using level sensors:

skimmer cup is an aftermarket sensor wired into level 3
sump too full is a GHL sensor on the holder with my ATO optical sensor

I seem to have the skimmer cup on figured out once I get it installed. But the sump too full is giving me issues. I would like either sensor to cause and error and send the email for the error and shut the skimmer off. I’ve got them both set to leakage detection but I can’t get the GHL sensor to error properly I’ve flipped the float and inverted it in GCC and it won’t seem to work as intended.
An ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

30.12.2020, 15:29

The leak function is the correct one to use for these tasks.

You do not have to "invert" either sensor unless they are intentionally being positioned upside down (cable facing downwards). Once the float sensor is pushed upwards, the leakage alarm will be triggered and you'll get the alarm. As long as you have your email notification setup, you will get an email to notify you about the incident.

You can also test the "sump high-level" sensor by manually moving the float up and down. As you do this, you should see an (X) mark appear and disappear in the Level setting's STATE page.

31.12.2020, 20:04
What is the warranty on the float sensors. It appears the 1 I got has never functioned? Thanks

05.01.2021, 01:15
looks like level sensor 2 input on my v1 expansion box isnt responding properly.

08.01.2021, 02:05
is it possible to connect a float sensor and a optical to the same port with the y splitter? port 1 is the optical ad float is on port 2 and cant seem to get the float working right.

08.01.2021, 20:50
Yes it's possible.
Use a PL-LY splitter cable.

08.01.2021, 23:30
ok well not sure whats wrong the port #5 doesnt seem to be responding to the float.