View Full Version : Salinity control help

17.05.2020, 14:43
As my KHD does its thing it reduces the salinity over time, as does the skimmer. Since I am not really doing water changes anymore. My solution has been to manually activate my AWC, adding water mixed to a higher salinity. This has been working great and bumps the salinity back up nicely.

My question is how can can I set it up to trigger an AWC when the salinity falls below a desired value? Would also be nice if it only did that AWC during specific hours.

Also is there a way to set up alarms to tell me when my ATO and AWC reservoirs are running low based on the amount dosed and not level sensors?

Thanks in advance, Dan

20.05.2020, 20:37
noone? I thought the official support forum would have more erm.... support. :confused:

21.05.2020, 18:58
Although the exact setup you're asking about would not be doable, you can still control salinity in two ways:

One ATO reserior w/ very low salinity
Two dedicated ATO reservoirs; one for FW and one for SW (Recommended)

Option 1 would work for you as long as the KH tests per day and sample size remains consistent.
Anytime the sump water level drops, the ATO will add water with a very low salinity. This will offset any declines you see from the KHD tests.

Option 2 would be the most efficient way to manage salinity.
You can set the ProfiLux to activate the pump from the FW ATO or SW ATO based on the current salinity reading of your tank.

23.05.2020, 17:01
OK how about if i just mixed my water change reservoir to normal salinity and have it add 80ml just before every scheduled test?

25.05.2020, 17:10
If you want to use a dosing pump and set it up as a normal dose schedule, that would be fine.