View Full Version : Time overdue alarm with level sensor

16.03.2009, 16:31
My level switch is not performing ATO properly. Regardless of the position of the switch, it will not change the state of the socket I have assigned as Water 1. If the switch is not inverted, it won't activate the socket regardless of whether the switch is in the up or down position. If the switch is inverted, it stays activated and does not switch off. I can see on my display screen that the level is indeed switching from - ("on") to X ("off").

Here are my settings:



16.03.2009, 18:51
did you see in your first screenshot that there is a time overdue alarm?

16.03.2009, 19:06
Cool, thanks! I was hoping it was something simple and easy like that.

20.03.2009, 10:08
Couldn't it also be a problem that max on time is set to 0:00:00?

20.03.2009, 10:22
No, 0 max on time means that there is no limit to the on time. I reset the errors and it works perfectly now.

20.03.2009, 10:29
No, 0 max on time means that there is no limit to the on time. I reset the errors and it works perfectly now.

Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me :)