View Full Version : Using dKH reference fluid 7.5 best practice

16.12.2019, 11:38
I wonder what everyone's thoughts on using this reference solution as to "best practice". I cant find a specific instruction about avoiding contamination of reference bottle solution with older sample water already in the uptake tubing and white filter and also the other way round of leaving reference fluid in the filter as it is never fully cleared at the end of test!

Firstly is the reference fluid harmless to the tank?

presumably best way of avoiding cross contamination is to remove the filter and subtract 7m from tube volume! and dip the sample tube into a container with more than the "sample volume" say 30 ml? what do you do?

or do people just put the sample tube directly into the reference fluid?

16.12.2019, 20:39
1. Empty measurement cell a couple times to remove remaining water inside device
2. Flush KHD using reference fluid, do the test with the fluid
3. Empty measurement cell to remove remaining fluid inside device

The filter won't make a significant difference because it's main purpose is to remove solids to ensure a clean sample is used for testing.

17.12.2019, 12:55
Thanks Vinny

24.12.2019, 11:49
Kann das bitte mal jemand auf deutsch übersetzen? Verstehe leider nur die hälfte.
Habe mich schon oft gefragt wie das mit der Referenz Flüssigkeit gehen soll.

Danke und Gruss

02.01.2020, 15:13
1. Empty measurement cell a couple times to remove remaining water inside device
2. Flush KHD using reference fluid, do the test with the fluid
3. Empty measurement cell to remove remaining fluid inside device

The filter won't make a significant difference because it's main purpose is to remove solids to ensure a clean sample is used for testing.

1. Messzelle einige Male leeren, um Restwasser im Gerät zu entfernen
2. KHD mit der Referenzflüssigkeit spülen, den Test mit der Flüssigkeit durchführen
3. Messzelle leeren, um Flüssigkeitsreste im Gerät zu entfernen

Der Filter macht keinen signifikanten Unterschied, da sein Hauptzweck darin besteht Feststoffe zu entfernen um sicherzustellen, dass sauberes Probewasser für den Test verwendet wird.