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View Full Version : Log Book Disappears

12.12.2019, 17:56
Hey guys.. a few times for some reason all my data in my logbook disappears. Do you know why and what's the solution?

12.12.2019, 19:06
Are you referring to the logbook entries or the charts?

12.12.2019, 19:08
everything is gone.. all my test data that I put in, all gone. Customer having the same issue

13.12.2019, 08:26
Please create a ticket and give us information about the myGHL-ID and which app you're using (smartphone, local web interface or directly GHL Connected hosted on myGHL.com.

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https://www.aquariumcomputer.com/support/tickets-enquiries/ <https://www.aquariumcomputer.com/support/tickets-enquiries/>