View Full Version : Khd ph probe

09.06.2019, 09:09
Hi all

Quick question I’ve noticed that my ph probe reads differently than the that of th ph probe in my p4.
When measuring the khd probe goes up as high as 7.83 but my p4 ph reading is steady at 8.10.

Is this correct or is there a variation of .27 when it calculates the ph before working out the Kh reading?


10.06.2019, 17:43

The pH probe used in the KHD is not a standard probe.
It is a modified one used strictly for KH measurement purposes. Being that it is also calibrated with lower pH levels, it will also be the cause for displaying different values than the P4 pH probe.

KHD probe: Calibrated with 4/ 7 pH
P4 pH probe: Calibrated with 7 / 9 pH

10.06.2019, 18:06
Thanks for the reply Vinny.

I’ve found that out thanks are there any suppliers in the UK for the probe?

I’m not sure what the issue is as after reading it could be dirt in the KHD
Is this easy to clean and is there any instruction


11.06.2019, 12:03
I’ve ordered a new one from GHL de

How do you test with the 7.5dkh solution please

11.06.2019, 20:27
1. Empty KHD measurement cell
2. Place water sample tube inside 7.5 reference bottle
3. Flush measurement cell
4. Run a KH test