View Full Version : More than one user

02.03.2019, 13:39
Just wondering if it's possible to have more than one user for a device in MyGHL. I service tanks and some of them I login to make changes, but some customers want to be able to login in myghl for themselves. But get lots of questions from customers about changing stuff, would be nice that I can just login and makes changes for them.

04.03.2019, 09:48
Hello Derek,

yes, this is possible with Device Sharing.
In GHL Connect you can edit a myGHL-device on My Devices-page and set the partner's myGHL-username...
The originial owner using his/her own myGHL-account must re-assign the GHL-Device and then be shared by entering your myGHL-username in the share options along with permission right (read-only/read-write).
The other way round would also work, meaning you can own the GHL-Devices and you share with the original owners, but this has not been the intention.