View Full Version : Mitras LX 6300HV flickering very slighly?

18.09.2018, 19:24

Unfortunately my mitras LX 6100HV which i upgraded to the 6300HV has started to flicker very slightly, even though its small its very annoying to look at. It was working just fine for few months after the upgrade but i just noticed this few days ago and it does not seem to do this all the time but rather seem to be mainly at nights times rather than during the full on lights during the afternoon period.

My bad luck is that it is 2 months out of warranty:(

what could be the problem where, the main motherboard or the LED modules?

I looked at the LED modules by looking at them directly( which hurts my eyes, not a very bright idea lol) i cant notice any flickering but when looking up at the walls i can see it flickering or when looking at the lights from front or side angles you can see slight flicker.

Is this going to be expensive to fix,

could someone let me know how much the Motherboard costs to replace or what i need to replace in £ please?

I looked after these lights so well, making sure there is no dust on them, covering the tank with Acrylic lid to prevent damage from evaporation or tank splash and still this happens not happy i am and my tank has just started to look amazing after so much effort. :(

I am in the UK

Thanks everyone

06.10.2018, 18:48
wrong section

09.10.2018, 14:39
Please open a ticket in our ticket-system (https://www.aquariumcomputer.com/support/tickets-enquiries/) to request infos abour repair prices and/or prices of specific parts.