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14.04.2018, 09:25
Hello GHL'ers

I was just thinking...how about the possibility to use actual weather data from the location where the aquarium inhabitants come from originally ?

using a weather acquisition API form one of the free services, e.g. this one
https://www.meteomatics.com/display/WEATHERAPI/Weather+in+Excel,+Python+and+R?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzcbWB RDmARIsAM6uChVEjSbpRf1tfu4HnNAi55poac9YrZi5GuGajad EauxFr5q85Uml7NUaApnYEALw_wcB

it could be possible to set lights, clouds, rain and temperature, well basically the whole year / season with the parameters from the origin of the species kept in the tank.

Cheers, Brock

16.04.2021, 11:36
This would be great, also we could have random thunderstorms in a preset window of time. So you could set that from 1am to 5am there are 3 random thunderstorms...

Hello GHL'ers

I was just thinking...how about the possibility to use actual weather data from the location where the aquarium inhabitants come from originally ?

using a weather acquisition API form one of the free services, e.g. this one
https://www.meteomatics.com/display/WEATHERAPI/Weather+in+Excel,+Python+and+R?gclid=Cj0KCQjwzcbWB RDmARIsAM6uChVEjSbpRf1tfu4HnNAi55poac9YrZi5GuGajad EauxFr5q85Uml7NUaApnYEALw_wcB

it could be possible to set lights, clouds, rain and temperature, well basically the whole year / season with the parameters from the origin of the species kept in the tank.

Cheers, Brock