View Full Version : Mitras LX7 Blank Web Pages after Upgrade

12.04.2018, 10:27
I upgraded my LX7's to 6619 and now the web page for them is just blank. I've tried 3 different browsers (Chrome actually reports the blank page as an 500 server error, firefox and safari just show blank pages with no errors), cleared cache, rebooted the lights many, many times, just no web pages any more. I updated them by doing firmware.bin first, then the LX7 spiffs.bin (which I think I didn't need to do, as it wiped out wifi/IP info, no biggie), but I never got the chance to upgrade the web pages and wondering if that's my problem and how do I fix it? I ran through the firmware upgrade again over USB using the wifi_firmwareupdatetool but that didn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas?

12.04.2018, 10:50
well, i loaded spiffs.bin again via the emergency upgrade interface and now I see the new web interface. Not sure where things went wrong - always a lot of fun to upgrade the firmware on these things :-)

12.04.2018, 12:40
Right after the web interface update you were supposed to clear your browser cache as mentioned in the guide.

12.04.2018, 14:42
Hi Vinny, you might read through my post again. I was never able to apply the web interface update as the web interface broke after I did the firmware, then spiffs, updates. I also wrote that I cleared my cache, as well as tried 3 separate browsers, none of which made a difference as the light was throwing a 500 internal server error message (which is all that the blank screen means).