View Full Version : Cant vent internal reagent tube nor Flush measurement cell

31.01.2018, 22:35

Im just installing KH director and went successfully through all the steps until "Maintenance menu"....
I calibrated the electrode, then mounted it back according instructions and tried to vent internal reagent tube and flush measurement cell...
Buttons are "click-able" but no reaction from the pumps....although if i try to run the pumps in the pump menu or manually pushing the buttons on the doser unit...they are working

Is there some software glitch or the kh director sub-menu is not linking the pumps correctly ?....i have essentials, so using doser sa for dosing essentials and the kh director pumps are in doser slave assigned to nr. 5,6,7.....

BTW...It looks like, its going to be the same glitch as the guys with profilux experienced recently...
Can somebody provide firmware for Doser 2 SA ?

Thank you for the answer,

PS: Running on GHL Control center 111110207

01.02.2018, 14:39
What FW version are the dosing pumps running on?
Both SA and Slave.

01.02.2018, 14:48
Not sure about Slave Unit...but the Doser SA was recently flashed from the files that came together with GCC are the FW versions that are working trouble free for this configuration?

01.02.2018, 14:56
Both Standalone and Slave dosers should be running on at least V1.28

01.02.2018, 14:59
Thanks, I will check it in the evening and report back

01.02.2018, 15:17
Ok....The Doser SA is on 1.28
The Slave on 1.24

Sorry, failure was probably on my side:-) Last question: I will find the firmware for Slave doser also between the files that came together with GCC

01.02.2018, 15:35
No worries.

The FW file for the Slave doser can be found in the PAB-devices folder within the GCC v1111 folder.

01.02.2018, 15:36
If this is your first time doing an update for a PAB-device, please have a look at our how-to video. It'll walk you through the whole process.


01.02.2018, 20:21

It works now....both devices are now updated with FW 1.28.....and than its necessary to configure again the doser slave (in pab config) and asign the pump numbers...in my case starting by 5

Problem solved, thank you.