View Full Version : PLM-pH/Redox-Cond Sensor Inputs

19.01.2018, 19:18
I have a Profilux 3 with this card in.
What ports are the Ph and Con? I take it the port on the bottom when the card is inseted into the profilux is the ph port, the one where the connection stick out a bit more?

Do i need to do anything special when pluggin in a ph prope on these ports? becaus i dont see any changes in the values when i add a ph prope to the unit. If i move the ph prope to the ph port, that is built in it works just fine.

Also i can see the card just fine in GHL COntrol center, under system.

20.01.2018, 09:45
maybe you have to enable the sensors in question
of course you need to calibrate

20.01.2018, 11:14
I havent tried to calibrate it yet, but it should change it value when i connect the prope no matter what. The sensor should be active. I just wanted to be sure before i tried something else, that i wasent missong something simple.


20.01.2018, 15:13
Not necessarily. If the calibration values are far off you see no change.
Please calibrate and watch what the displayed ADC value does during calibration. It should change and be different for both calibration steps.