View Full Version : Failed to connect P4 on the wifi

19.12.2017, 01:40

As my P4 is far from my modem (the box from my Internet provider), I have bought an Apple Airport Express in order to have good wifi in my fish room.
Despite many efforts, I have not been able to connect the P4 (through the Control Center) to my Aipport Express.
The network from my Airport has a specific name (chosen by me at set-up of the Airport) and a dedicated password. I have been able to connect my computer, but using the same network name and the same password, it doesn't work for the P4.

In the CC, I filled-in the SSID box with the name of the network.
Then I selected "WPA WPA2 PSK"
Then in the box wifi key, I entered the password.
This is not correct?

Please help me because I am loosing it !!!
Thanks a lot

19.12.2017, 14:57
We need more information to better help you in this matter.

Have you tried to ping the IP address of your P4?
What was the result?

Did you setup the P4's WiFi using DHCP or Static IP?

Please provide screenshots of your COMMUNICATION settings page and ipconfig settings from command prompt.

07.01.2018, 23:08
Hi, attached are the screenshots.100231002410025
I am not an expert in IT. I am not able to go through the IP config settings on the computer.
Please help !

08.01.2018, 13:55

it might be related to the used accent in your SSID.
The characters should be changed to standard latin (ASCII) on your router
and then in GHL Control Center configuration.
After that, the wifi module should connect and show the currently assigned ip address.

08.01.2018, 23:16
Great, it works !
You were right, many thanks !!!