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View Full Version : Make one dosing with doser 2 to adjust calcium, Mg or KH

Kasper j.
10.01.2017, 16:47

Lets say that my calcium is 400 but I what it to be 420. With a program called aqua calculator I have calculated that I have to make one big dosing of 40 ml to adjust the calcium to 420. I am also dosing calcium daily at the same time.

Can the software do just a single dosing ?

10.01.2017, 17:13
Hi Kasper,

If you use the Doser 2 app, you should be able to swipe upwards on the dosing pump overview page and select an amount to manually dose now.

This option is also available to you from myGHL. Select the dosing pump and click on Dose specific amount.

Kasper j.
10.01.2017, 17:43
Ok. Thanks :-)