View Full Version : GHL Mitras lx 6100HV strange behaviour?

15.08.2016, 15:18

I recently bought a GHL Mitras LX 6100HV ( about 2 weeks ago) unfortunately because of being so busy with work and also receiving wrong
power cord for the country of origin( which was sorted very quickly, so thank you GHL for such fast service and help ), I only just over the weekend managed to test the unit finally.

One of the channels in manual mode behaves strangely. When i turned on the light for the first time, there was no power up of the light and it required me turning the unit on and off to get any light from it. When the light did managed to come on, I went into manual mode to configure the different channels but these configuration reset every time I exited manual mode. I am assuming this is done on purpose?

So my main issue is, I wanted to turn off the lights and went into the option, All LED OFF and everything was fine. Then when entering manual mode and exiting, the royal blue channel does not go off 100%, it always seem to be on slightly. All LED OFF command seems to be negated when entering manual mode and exiting. Everything is standard with the device in regards to firmware, I believe its firmware 1.18. I have managed to connect with the GHL control software. To summarise the royal blue channel even though showing zero 0% on the manual mode it still on by 1% increment after exiting manual mode even though ALL LED OFF options is selected. I have not tested yet predefined program that comes with the LED as my tank is not ready yet to mount the lights on. I am assuming that royal blue LED channel will be on during the night even though it should be off, my preference is to have the tank in total darkness during the night.

There was no manual included with my device and was wondering how do you manage to power down the LCD screen when not in use. The screen powers down after a few minutes and just stays like that. I was wondering is there a mode which powers it down completely by turning if off after a few minutes of no user input on the buttons and then turns it on if it registers a user input on the buttons? I went into options for Display and messed with some of the setting but nothing happened that I noticed or expected.

apart from these minor issue, its a fantastic light with excellent build quality:)

any help would be appreciated

Thank you

15.08.2016, 17:04

Did you set the start point of your lighting program to start at 0% for all channels?

Your end point must also be set to 0% for all channels. That will make all your LED channels turn off.

Connect your Mitras to GHL Control Center via USB and program your lighting schedule using light composer. Once that is done, be sure to transmit those settings to all LED channels and save your settings. Specified LED channels will turn off when they are scheduled to.

There is no option to completely turn off the display screen. There is however an option to dim the screen using the touch keys.

17.08.2016, 01:14
Hi vinny,

I will be mounting the lights over my tank over the next few days and will try what you say. But my issue was that this is happening in manual mode and only using the on the device Screen controls. I will try your suggestions and get back to you in few days time.


04.09.2016, 22:13
Ok I have finally manged to install the light on my tank but unfortunately the same problem still exists even if i set all channels to zero in GHL control centre. the royal blue does not fully turn off even though it shows as 0% in both the front panel display and th GHL control centre software. Even if i update it, nothing helps.

could someone from GHL please help me. Also I it does not allow me to update the firmware using the software it just gives me a error.


04.09.2016, 22:59
OK, after lots of tinkering I finally managed to update the firmware to 1.19 and the same problem still persists. Either I am doing something wrong or the light has a fault. The royal blue channel is stuck at 1% even if set at 0% in the GHL software. The only way to turn it off is to manually which is a huge nuisaance, my poor fish are all hiding because of the constant turn on lights and off and messing with the lights.

could someone please arrange a replacement unit since this problem/fault has been present from the first day i purchased this lights or the very least sort this issue out for me.

Thank you

05.09.2016, 09:48
are you sure you havent enabled moon simulation on that channel?

05.09.2016, 23:58
Check to see that moon simulation is disabled.

06.09.2016, 02:13
Hi guys

Thanks for the suggestion but I am not sure how to do what you are asking of me? Could you please provide some instructions? Right now my computer is no connected to the device because my huge computer tower was sitting in the middle of the hallway where my tank is. I could not get either my laptop or tablet to recognise the device via usb which was frustrating to say the least. But most important thing for me is getting this light to function properly and turn off all channels when its told to. Right now its telling me everything should be off but its not.

I have factory reset it many times and it behaves like this still, so If Moon simulation is disabled from factory reset then it should of been reset many times but it still functions with royal blue on.

Ok, just wanted to ask something

I have gone into and checked the display at night time when the royal blue is on and on the display there is a moon symbol on the uni at the bottom right corner but when i check to see what channels are on from the front display ( it cycles through them automatically) it says every channel is 0%, so i assume there should be no light on at night but yet i get royal blue channel on.

also does the moon option turn on the royal blue and hypper red?

I have also looked in some other options using the front display menu buttons, ie in illumination and under moon setting but it gives me no options to set moon off just turn on and start and end at certain times and to save setting at the end.

Thanks and I appreciate the help.

06.09.2016, 10:16
You can enable moon simulation on each channel, so mabye they are enabled on the blue and red for you. If you see a moom symbole, then that indicates that there is some kind of moon simulation enabled. As i recall moom simulation is enabled by factory.

if you look at his picture that shows one of the channels, you can see simulation on the right, untick it on all your channels and save it to the lamp


06.09.2016, 20:54
Hi StarF & vinny

Thank you for taking the time to post that picture, Unfortunately I have done as you asked and still the light is on. Strangely the royal blue channel had a tick on it under the simulations heading in the box called DEPENDS ON MOONPHASE,but not the Hyper Red. I never saw a moon option but did have a box that said simulation and DEPENDS ON MOONPHASE,i just unticked that and saved all changes, i actually unticked eveyrthing. I even checked all the other channels and still everything had the simulation check box empty, so technically there should be no moonlight on.

Either I am missing something or there is something not correctly tuned in the electronics with the light.

Everything is standard in the sense that I have not installed any custom illumination by myself just using the default installed on the mitras from factory and I just edit that. Still I cant seem to get the blues to turn off.

If anybody has any suggestion I am more than happy to try as I am not sure what other options I can play with but it would seem the unit has a very minor fault and needs to be replaced.

To be honest, i would be happy to manually turn the channel off by hand from the front buttons on the mitras but when I do this, after about 30 minutes it just reverts back to before and the royal blue comes on again.

I would appreciate any further feedback, help or suggestions.

Thank you all

07.09.2016, 15:59
Please email your Mitras setting file to: support@ghlusa.com

We can check your light program and see if anything needs to be changed.

08.09.2016, 22:16
Hi vinny

I have manged to send the light composer project I am using, its practically the default one with just the royal blue after 19:00 set to off rather than 2%.

Also I constructed my own test project using the Create New Empty project option on the light composer, this just consisted of only the royal blue chanell set to
a arbitary 28% for 15minutes and then off , ie at 0%. The royal blue turned off after 15 minute and only for them to turn back on into that same problem i am having .
It would seem the light has a problem with the moon light program keeps defaulting back and either I don't know the procedure how to turn it off ( which is strange because i have looked at every option available under the program and there is nothing to indicate this) or there is problem with the electronics.

thanks you

kind regards

09.09.2016, 21:49
After creating your light program, are you transmitting those settings to all LED channels, then saving your settings?

Even when you disable the moonlight simulation, you will need to transmit those settings to all illumination channels for the changes to go into effect.

10.09.2016, 04:55
Hi vinny

sorry for the late reply, yes I transmit them to the lamp and then it gives me a popup text boxes telling me do you want to overwrite your current settings and write these setting to mitras which I press ok. Then from the top of the Mitras controller program, there is a option to save your setting which i also press. But these blue lights just don't turn off and I have given up using this light and have had to remove the light from my tank and put up some emergency lights in the mean time while this issue is sorted out.


16.09.2016, 16:54

I am still waiting for GHL to send me a replacement light, I have not heard from anybody and I have been waiting patiently. The last promised date from GHl was last Tuesday and nothing yet.

The emails I send to GHL are not answered, I feel abandoned somewhat. I am not sure what is going on at GHL but could somebody
please help me. I don't want to escalate this but I have been waiting for over a month very patiently to fix this issue, since in our hobby our tanks cant go without light for so long. The current temporary lights over my tank are nowhere near enough for my corals.

Please could somebody help


16.09.2016, 17:13

We're sorry you feel abandoned, but as noted in the email, our staff was away for a trade show last week and recently returned. We will check the file and notify you if the fixture needs to be shipped for further inspection. We will keep you updated via email.

21.09.2016, 02:27

Vinny, any update yet on this current situation?

also vinny, do you have a email address for support at GHL europe?

21.09.2016, 12:37
Hi, we should have an update for you later today.

GHL Europe email:

26.09.2016, 19:47
hi, we should have an update for you later today.

Ghl europe email:


27.09.2016, 07:43
As Vinny from our GHL USA support crew mentioned the correct email address for support in Europe is info@ghl-kl.de, which is also mentioned several times on our web page.

We didn't receive a single email in regards to this support case. Either you didn't send us anything or it didn't come through for some reason.

However, please send us an email to this email address, our 2nd level support will handle this ASAP - as we handle EVERY support email we receive.
Let us go from there.

If the unit is faulty or if there is a settings error can be found out quite easily once we have all the details we need.

Since we move this to direct 2nd level support this topic will be closed now.