View Full Version : Connecting 2 profilux 3 computers together

23.02.2016, 00:11
I need help in answering this is it possible to Connect 2 profilux 3 computers to each other by using a pab cable to connect one to the other so one could be master the other as slave and to have access to the extra port connections on the profilux 3ex below is a reply I got to my question from another user I just don't understand exactly what he means

you can connect more than one Master (here:ProfiLux) to the same PAB bus, but they must be in different PAB groups, otherwise there are collisions<br />
<br />
each PAB master has its own slaves in its group, slaves can't be shared<br />
<br />
the advantage is:<br />
you can access all masters trough one master, e.g. LAN or USB communication is tunneled through the PAB - then you need to use different device addresses (which are here the PAB groups) in GCC

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23.02.2016, 09:41
Answer is already given here: http://forum.aquariumcomputer.com/showthread.php?11029-Connecting-2-profilux-together&p=68403#post68403

Remark: Please don´t post the same question in different sections of the forum.