View Full Version : Maximum on-time with AWC & Water change

02.01.2016, 15:08
Hi all, Happy New Year.

Im using Sensor 1+2 set as ATO & Water change, everything works great for these functions. But i want to know how the Maximum on time react in this mode. When AWC is trggered, Is the time calculated from start to the end of the AWC cycle, that means from the waste pump is started, and to the end of the filling by the fill pump? Or is the time for one event, means if i set the time to say 2 mins, the waste pump or the fill pump wil run for 2 min each?

Reason for my concern is that i sometimes get an error i have to manually reset, when my reservoir for SW is nearly empty. I have made at programable logic that switches over to RO water, if the SW runs out before the AWC sequence is over. This function is controlled by a optical sensor at the buttom of the reservoir, which also prevent the waste pump from draining, if theres no SW present, and in this case i normally get one beep from the Profilux telling me that the drain pump has run too long and no water is drained.

14.01.2016, 19:16

The Max On-time begins the moment the program begins. For example, if the program begins at 12:00 and the max on-time is 5 minutes, the alarm will go off if the program continues beyond 12:05.

19.01.2016, 10:15
The timer dont cut off the program running, and shut off the fill valve ?
I dont need any alarm, could see on my floor, i had a misfunction on the upper level indicator, afterwards i entered a sharp time i max time colum :-)

Regards Anders

19.01.2016, 18:25
The max on-time is the fail safe feature that will turn off corresponding sockets in case the sensor fails to turn it off.