View Full Version : Calibration - Sensors gone wild - PLEASE HELP

14.11.2015, 13:48
Good day,

I am at my wits end now with this system. I thought today would be a good day to do a calibration of my sensors (do it every 6 months as a best practice). So I started with my Salinity / Conductivity Probe. it measures in Ms. After holding it in the air using the 50ms calibration fluid at tank temperature I kept getting a 0.00ms reading. I checked connections the probe was plugged in. Rebooted the controller same thing. Updated to 6.20 and expansion box 1.07 same thing. When I try and calibrate the second conductivity probe connected to my expansion box there is no option in the menu for calibration on this second probe???

I have attached the screen shots. I use a calibrated refractometer to measure the salinity and it is at 1.025 - 50ms.

I then thought let me try do my PH probes. Using 4.0ph - 7.0ph fluid the PH probe on the expansion box (funny this one HAS a calibration option NOT like my conductivity probe...) it calibrates and gets the right PH (tested with an external accurate PH meter. I then do the PH - 1 Probe using the SAME calibration fluid and I get 3.00PH???? - This probe was working before.

My System is setup (and has been working for a long time) is as follows:

Inside the house I have a Profilux 3.0 with Firmware 6.20 - connected to this profilux is a 6DPAB and a Vortech Controller
- Probes connected here - these are connected through a Profilux Sensor Holder with a bypass)
-- Conductivity
-- Temp
-- PH

In the fish room about 20m away I have an expansion box with PH and Conductivity probes. - connected to this is a normal 6D Powerbar
-Probes connected here - again using a profilux sensor holder
-- Conductivity
-- Temp
-- PH

I have attached a screenshot of the system setup as well.
I have a second PH card but this is not used and nothing is connected to it.

Please help, as currently the system is completely dysfunctional, I have all the alarms in the world going off (turned off buzzer). I can't get a Ms reading as the probes are showing 0.00ms (both probes...) My Ph is showing correct in the fish room yet incorrect in the main tank?


14.11.2015, 13:48

15.11.2015, 09:03
So today I thought let me give this another go, I restored to factor defaults (yes lost all my logic everything {I have auto water changes vortech pump schedules everything....}) - First thing I started with was calibration of the probes. I got the same result as above :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

This leaves me with one question what the hell???
Its interesting that the PH probes always default to 3.00ph and the conductivity default to 0.00ms

15.11.2015, 18:51
Same problem for me with ph probe that always default to 3 ph...

06.12.2015, 20:48
Any update on this, because we exoirienced the same issue......

as i wrote today, in the other thread regarding faulty calibration result...

A friend got hes Profilux 3,1N, and i was asked to help him with the setup, i firstly upgraded the P3, powerbar 5,1, and hes touch, to the latest firmware (P3 direcly from 6,12 to 6,22). After initial setup of powerbars, touch, and temp and ph probe, etc. We startede to calibrate the brand new ph probe. After calibration, the ph was 3,0 as seen in the profilux control sw, but *** in the display of P3, and an alarm is showing up on ph1, even when the alarm is disabled on the ph1 sensor. We tried to calibrate several times, but with poor luck. Then we tried a used probe of mine, which i brought with me from home, and the result was the same. After 5 hours i gave up, and went home. I have used Profilux for nearly the first version, and think of myself that im a very expirienced user, and my ownn setup is pretty advanced.
I havent tried to downgrade from 6,22 to lower ver, but this will be the next option, when i visit my frien within the next couple of days.
Regarding this matter im am also pretty sure that something is wrong with the 6,22 firmware, or something goes wrong under the upgrade process, especcially when the problem consist when attaching the probe of my own, which i know is working 100 % on my own system, which is running on ver 6,20, on which i have calibrated my two ph probes a couple of times with succes......

07.12.2015, 20:10
As I can see on the screen shots in post 1 - the calibration is not accepted of some reasons, The interesting point is the ADC values. They show the span between the two calibration points. Normaly its around 150 - 200 units difference for pH and over 400 units difference for salinity. Se picture 1 and 2



I always use 7 as the first calibration point and 4 or 9 (or 10) as the second.

Check my answer in the other thread about sensor index

Sincerely Lasse

GHL Support
08.12.2015, 14:33
see: http://forum.aquariumcomputer.com/showthread.php?10661-Upgraded-FW-(6-2)-Having-Issues-Calibrating-pH-Probes&p=66644#post66644