View Full Version : Special functions

  1. Example for programmable logic?
  2. Programable Logic help
  3. Setting a delay for skimmer?
  4. Programmable logic manual- English
  5. Interesting uses for the Analogue card
  6. Programming for mist system on terrarium
  7. Salinity Programming
  8. Input Cards
  9. Filter socket also turn off?
  10. 1-10 card
  11. ATO and KALK Programable Logic
  12. programmable logic question - Alkalisation (dosing dependant on PH)
  13. acro meaning in prgm logic.
  14. Using programs
  15. Current Pump And Level Sensor
  16. timer
  17. timer function
  18. Help... I need pauses of 15 seconds
  19. Software
  20. Beginners controll question
  21. Skimmer on timer and feeding pause?
  22. Water Change Programming Help
  23. Socket power settings
  24. HELP - Kalk and ATO
  25. Thunderstorm Programming
  26. Dosing and Timer Help
  27. Airtemp and humidity programing
  28. Skimmer turn off due to high water level
  29. Waterchange programming help
  30. more programme logic?
  31. Programming a Secondary (Safety) Heater
  32. Programming: If pH >8.5, then Kalk/ATO off for 90 minutes
  33. Wake up socket on thunderstorm
  34. Adding delay to skimmer start
  35. Thunderstorm + ATO topoff linking?
  36. Dosing pumps on timer
  37. Salinity control
  38. Key ESC
  39. ATO & KALK single unit
  40. need help with a program for float switches
  41. Checklist for sending Mail with ProfiLux3
  42. Manual dosing more than 8 times a day
  43. Automatic feeding with Profilux
  44. Socket timer
  45. Graphs issue
  46. I cant find a thread about Low / hight salinity and take from diffrent barrels
  47. Automatic water changes with check of available water?
  48. turning skimmer off when overflow arlarm goes off
  49. Using a Level sensor without max on time?
  50. How to set timer on Maintenance(turning off multi sockets at once)
  51. Maintenance
  52. Blackout Delay on maintenance ??
  53. Normaly Open and Normaly Close
  54. Email notification (Profilux) BUG......
  55. web connectivity for profilux
  56. Maintenance turn on socket
  57. Turning socket on with delay after feed-pause or maintenance
  58. Programmable logic !
  59. Alarm from PLC-ADIN digital input
  60. power bar control cable broken?
  61. Programmable logic HELP
  62. Where can I use the analog inputs of the ADIN card?
  63. Email alert after set # of operation hours for lightbulb
  64. advanced socket control functions via programmable logic
  65. P3 not avilable through lan
  66. Need some help profaning please
  67. Thunderstorm only at night
  68. Thunderstorm programmable logic HELP!!
  69. Problemas com ALLARME!!! e Actividade das sondas
  70. Socket setup for NR
  71. supported maintenance modes
  72. Webserver & LAN settings input (router too)
  73. controlling a solenoid with 1-10v output
  74. Changing webserver port
  75. Salinity Control Again
  76. Program logic for timer and Temperature control
  77. Ph Dip During Morning Hours
  78. how to program the email message for the email notification ?
  79. can i view/control the switches from the internet web page for the p3 ?
  80. for the web admin password , what the user name if i can the admin password ?
  81. how to turn off skimmer during dosing?
  82. view II question?
  83. Auto water change by timer, no longer option for feedpause
  84. Alarm trigger.
  85. Programming SDK
  86. Question about logic
  87. programming: if pH<7.7 turn off calcium reactor for 2hrs
  88. Auto Water Change with ATO
  89. how to stop the dosing of co2 for 9pm to 8am at night to the CR ?
  90. how to program skimmer to turn off for 1 hour during water change ?
  91. Question re logic
  92. Delay skimmer startup after feeding pause
  93. e-mail bij yahoo
  94. Starting event manually to fill RO tank.
  95. Bug? NTP option not able to used in NZ DTS (+13 hrs)
  96. Trying to understand Email Notifications (with Screen shot)
  97. Manually start event
  98. programing Temp/humidity sensor PL-0279
  99. State of SR Flip Flop after power failure.
  100. Programmable logic training
  101. Skimmer level alarm shut and send e mail
  102. Set/rest function
  103. What does inverted mean
  104. Need help with programmable logic
  105. How's programmable logic mean????? (HELP)
  106. How's programmble logic work
  107. PH controlled using Kalkwasser and dosing pump
  108. switching socket automatically off, when other socket is in
  109. Sensor reading is email
  110. Light Acclimation Routine
  111. webcam help
  112. setup your web cam and use a smartphone to do it. the tutorial.
  113. Puzzled by alarm message
  114. Water Changes
  115. Expansion Programmable Logic space?
  116. how to add multiple programmable logic to one outlet profilux?
  117. 8 Hour timer
  118. Programming ATO with 1 float switch
  119. Function issue from 5.15 to 6.05
  120. web server - switch screen
  121. Setup how many level port
  122. Help with turning a Chiller off on Feed Pause
  123. How to activate sockets on level sensor alarm indication
  124. Water level alarm and turning off sockets
  125. Troubleshooting email dispatch
  126. Export sensor data to MySQL database
  127. Skimmer Delay
  128. Problems accessing Profilux with Cox Communications
  129. Awc help
  130. Redox and Skimmer programmable logic
  131. AWC controlled via Maintenance
  132. Programmable Logic comparison for alarme
  133. SR-Flipflop
  134. Nitrate reactor with redox programming logic
  135. AWC on firmware 6.12 HELP (with additional programming)
  136. Where to start with programming????
  137. How to setup email?
  138. Logic HELP
  139. Another post on Water change
  140. Webcam setup assistance ....
  141. Setting up Kalkwasser pump with ph probe on soket how to add Max on time control?
  142. Stopping pumps during waterchange
  143. Programing sockets behavior after power shortage
  144. Acclimation - How To Use
  145. program leakage sensor
  146. Turn of socket when is alarm from powerbar - How make this ?
  147. Programmable logic for temperature and current pump.
  148. Sump with overflow connected to drain - programming Water Change
  149. Is it possible to program Gyre pumps following settings
  150. New firmware features -file read ?
  151. Profilux 3 EX Web Connectivity
  152. question on timer and feed pause
  153. how to create an alarm for a power loss at Home?
  154. Initiating the max-min filling midway through
  155. How to protect the sump from overflow in any occasion
  156. Level Sensor State
  157. need help programming
  158. SR-Flipflop Not behaving as Expected
  159. Function opposite of blackout delay
  160. How to connect and set up a leakage detector and a flow meter?
  161. Simple ATO failsafe logic: Turn off if alarm
  162. Connect Multiple power bars
  163. Email alarms and cycle stoped working after 6.24 upgradehi all
  164. Leaky ATO solenoid - save the floor with programmable logic?!?
  165. How do I set "Switching Cycles per Day"
  166. skimmer overflow switch stopped working
  167. Setting up fan to reduce temperature and every 45 minutes
  168. Turn off skimmer when full - send me an email?
  169. Totalt operation hours for a socket?
  170. programming a salt mix
  171. Leak Detection
  172. Delay skimmer on after Maintenance
  173. Therapy Program for sick fishes, how does it work ?
  174. Actual current
  175. Dosing pump ph control
  176. All purpose Timet
  177. Kalk or FW ato
  178. Logic to turn off one outlet while another is on
  179. Program for ozone generator to turn off if redox is too high
  180. Auto turn off one outlet if another one turns off and flow meter logic
  181. Connect 1-10V output to events
  182. Do action when ph/temp/sg is on a level
  183. Delay after maintenance mode
  184. testing programmable logic
  185. How to make skimmer dependent on return pump operation?
  186. Program incomming analog alarm from 3 party equipment ...
  187. Program take water out while stopping ATO and refill with ATO
  188. Keep a 0-10V pump at flow rate
  189. Manual water change
  190. Help with an event
  191. Seasons in temp and flow
  192. Reseting PIN?
  193. Help me to science :)
  194. Turn off heater when fill water turns on
  195. Documentation for email notification
  196. Powerbar 6D PAB Failsafe Options
  197. Turn off light when too hot.
  198. Line monitor
  199. Some Questions and assistance please
  200. Ph prob to control cal reactor
  201. Leak detection & Skimmer delay
  202. Email notification not working
  203. Programmable logic
  204. Temperature controlled Powerbar 5.1 dimmable socket
  205. ORP and timer in one
  206. Feed Pause Functions
  207. Swotch Channels question
  208. Probe Turn Off During Feed or Maintenance Mode
  209. Unable to get digital inputs to activate.
  210. Programming Skimmer to delay after pump is off and on
  211. Restart Main Pump
  212. first time using program logic, help with skimmer delay please
  213. Kalkw + ph
  214. Auto RODI production - How to programme
  215. Connecting level sensors
  216. automatic "Wet skim-mate water change" replenish wet skimmate with new saltwater
  217. Redox
  218. Turn off skimmer for an hour
  219. programme for maintenance
  220. Multiple socket function for various feed pause
  221. Alarm If ATO Pump Too Long
  222. Programming the controller for PH
  223. How to turn Off UV lamp when UV pump goes off.
  224. Only activate AWC when Timer and Digital Input are true.
  225. Always on except...
  226. How to program the Profilux to fill a mixing container?
  227. Strange situation with socket and programmable logic
  228. Siri integration possible?
  229. Timer functions don't seem to be working anymore
  230. Co2 logic
  231. Renaming Powerbar channels
  232. Monitor current for logic
  233. Turn off skimmer (outlet) more than the 240 minutes (maintenance)
  234. Skimmer control at high pH
  235. Summer time (DST) change and routines
  236. Powerbar6D-D non PAB and timers
  237. Help to program a Water change without sensor
  238. Flow sensor and Programable logic
  239. Control 1-10v output based on KH director Alk level
  240. thunderstorm pump control
  241. Multiple Gates?