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  • Furtado06's Avatar
    28.06.2024, 15:33
    Hi, update..mir wurde ein slave geliefert... -- ich finde den IonDir nicht in den verfügbaren WLAN Netzen (Verbinden Sie sich mit dem Hotspot...
    7 replies | 996 view(s)
  • Dollydip's Avatar
    03.07.2024, 21:20
    Dollydip started a thread in forumdisplay.php?86-myGHL
    good evening first off all i lost wifi connection between profilux4e and connect app wifi light on profilux tried to raise a ticket no reply now i...
    5 replies | 1129 view(s)
  • Piotrek1974's Avatar
    03.07.2024, 11:12
    Hello. Yesterday i was trying to update firmware on my power bar 5.1 and it did not go through. So now my profilux does not start. I red emergency...
    5 replies | 1009 view(s)
  • stebec's Avatar
    04.07.2024, 11:55
    For some reason my Ph probe will not re calibrate, I am using new calibration fluid which was floating in my sump for over an hour to bring up to...
    4 replies | 989 view(s)
  • stebec's Avatar
    27.06.2024, 17:45
    I bought the Ocean Deep and Coral Pop Lightbar 3, the coral pop has to go back to GHL Germany because it wont turn on ( Thank you Gael for all your...
    1 replies | 1187 view(s)
  • Dimorb's Avatar
    29.06.2024, 18:38
    I've tried ALOT.. but cant figure out how to add my Tapo's (6 units) camera to my GHL connect app. Tried to rtps and open ports etc etc.. Does...
    2 replies | 1017 view(s)
  • ClawHammer's Avatar
    16.07.2024, 17:34
    First forum post so 'Hello everybody'. I wish to purchase a lot of GHL products in one go and spend a week switching over from my current set up...
    3 replies | 766 view(s)
  • george7523's Avatar
    10.07.2024, 07:20
    As the title says Will Profilux mini austrialian version with austrialian output plug work in U.S ? Outlets in austrialian is typically 220v compare...
    2 replies | 926 view(s)
  • AlgaeDoc's Avatar
    08.07.2024, 06:54
    AlgaeDoc started a thread in forumdisplay.php?86-myGHL
    I am trying to connect my Profilux 4 to myGHL account but I am getting an error. An error occurred The connection couldn't be established....
    1 replies | 940 view(s)
  • Mark E's Avatar
    01.07.2024, 15:09
    I’m confused (it’s my age and easily done)… So I have a P4 and a 6E Powerbar (and other stuff too) together with more than 2 level sensors.. I...
    1 replies | 948 view(s)
  • Fischlein1's Avatar
    20.07.2024, 16:56
    Hallo, da ich mir den neuen Futterautomaten von GHL gegönnt habe benötige ich einen Firmware-update für meinen Profilux 4. Zunächst habe ich das...
    3 replies | 640 view(s)
  • giamma67's Avatar
    03.07.2024, 16:29
    Dear all, just appears this error (leakage alarm to KHD) . System is ok, no leakage, pump calibrated again probe as well calibrated, error persist...
    1 replies | 770 view(s)
  • gatekeeperdi's Avatar
    30.06.2024, 09:22
    Hi there, I am trying to connect my new Windows laptop to my Profilux 4 with the GCC. I initially set it up on my old laptop through GCC but have...
    2 replies | 660 view(s)
  • chema61's Avatar
    23.07.2024, 10:33
    Hi: since a month or so my SMS module do not respond to the calls for SMS and do not send send test SMS. I have checked everything I may think of....
    4 replies | 229 view(s)
  • MageMio's Avatar
    17.07.2024, 08:44
    MageMio started a thread in forumdisplay.php?84-Dosing
    This is my first GHL device, after using Neptune Apex devices for decades. I bought the Doser 2.2 Maxi stand alone, and I can not get it to connect....
    1 replies | 517 view(s)
  • Walle57's Avatar
    09.07.2024, 14:46
    Hallo Seit App-Software 3.28.0 bis 3-28.12 habe ich eigenartige Bezeichnung der Beleuchtungskanäle. Und zwar folgende Eingabe: Aufrufen der APP -...
    1 replies | 509 view(s)
  • UberMcReef's Avatar
    22.07.2024, 09:53
    I cannot connect to My GHL via the app or via MyGHL. It says the device cannot connect.
    3 replies | 282 view(s)
  • juanrogers's Avatar
    01.07.2024, 10:22
    Hallo, ich möchte den leisesten Außenfilter für ein 90L Becken kaufen. Was raten Sie mir? Danke! slope
    0 replies | 622 view(s)
  • Fellnase's Avatar
    09.07.2024, 12:57
    Leider bekommt mein neuer Doser keine Verbindung zum Controlcenter. Muss ich etwas spezielles beachten? Ich habe alles so wie beim 2.1 eingestellt.
    0 replies | 559 view(s)
  • themoose's Avatar
    11.07.2024, 06:13
    How can I download measurement values from Profilux 4; on my PL3 systems there was still the file system available allowing e.g. to dowload...
    0 replies | 552 view(s)
  • foxfoxi's Avatar
    09.07.2024, 17:10
    Liebes Forum, da mein PL4 Mega Set 6e inkl. anderen PL Zubehörteilen von DPD „verschluckt“ wurde und mein Fachhänder über den ich bestellte, nun...
    0 replies | 552 view(s)
  • Mark E's Avatar
    21.07.2024, 17:50
    Mark E started a thread in forumdisplay.php?64-Mitras
    Does the Chart tile on the Mitras LX7 dashboard do anything? The only chart I can get the App to display for the Mitras is the lighting schedule,...
    1 replies | 330 view(s)
  • Bigbaddewulf's Avatar
    21.07.2024, 08:06
    Hello GHL, I have a product feature query that I’m hoping you could consider. Is it or would it be possible to record the initial PH level once the...
    1 replies | 290 view(s)
  • Mark E's Avatar
    17.07.2024, 11:45
    Firstly, can we have some control over Alarm functions - at present we can have the General Alarm silenced between certain hours, but a time delay or...
    0 replies | 475 view(s)
  • Paulchen's Avatar
    19.07.2024, 16:54
    Paulchen started a thread in forumdisplay.php?85-myGHL
    Hallo zusammen, hat auch jemand anderes das Problem, dass er sich zwar per WLAN mit myGHL verbinden kann, aber nicht über mobile Daten? Habe schon...
    0 replies | 455 view(s)
  • Mark E's Avatar
    09.07.2024, 16:56
    This should be easy, but somehow I'm finding it impossible! So, Attached to my Profilux 4 I have an AC (uncontrollable) pump on powerbar 6E socket...
    0 replies | 352 view(s)
  • Corydoras's Avatar
    21.07.2024, 12:13
    Hallo Forum, ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob ich in dieser Rubrik des Forums jetzt richtig bin. Wenn nicht bitte einfach entsprechend...
    0 replies | 279 view(s)
  • Matthias's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:55
    Alten ProfiLux eintauschen - neuen ProfiLux 4 mit 150€ Rabatt bekommen! Durch die unerreichte Kompatibilität, Software-Updates über viele Jahre und...
    0 replies | 43 view(s)
  • herbster's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:07
    Hi, The GHL Range of Versia pumps doesn't include the SYNCRA SDC 3.0 type pump. As I need a lower flow (than the Versia 6) pump I would like to...
    0 replies | 43 view(s)
  • Matthias's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:01
    Trade in your old ProfiLux - get a new ProfiLux 4 with a €150 discount! With unrivaled compatibility, software updates over many years and...
    0 replies | 41 view(s)
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