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Thread: Delay start function after, feed, maintenance and power outage.

  1. #1
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    Default Delay start function after, feed, maintenance and power outage.

    Each socket needs the ability to set a delay on restarting after power returns to it. This ability needs to be 100 percent across all outages wether intentional or unintended. Maintenance and feed mode programming needs improvement.

    2 items that would benefit greatly from this capability is the Skimmer and aftermarket ATOs.

    The goal is that I don’t have to create 12-16 programable logic things to keep my skimmer off for 10-15 minutes after feeding, doing maintenance or a power outage.

    Having this many programable logics is a issue when I shut off the skimmer for all maintenance and feedings.

  2. #2
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    100% agree with the above and something I planned on suggesting myself.

    The only delay possible is blackout delay, which is determined by the profilux restarting.

    Lets say we have a level sensor, that when the sump level is high, it turns everything off. Don't over analyse the use case, just go with it.
    Ideally we would want our skimmer to be delayed from restarting after the return pump, otherwise it'll overflow.

    There are dozzens of use cases where this would be useful.

    Three ways I can think this could be implemented:
    As part of the programmable logic (delay start), as part of a new special timer, or just a delayed start on the socket (probably the easiest).

  3. #3
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    In this case you could use the programmable logic with a delay function.
    Input of the programmable logic gate would be the level sensor function, the output of the gate would be used as the socket function, instead of the level sensor.
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  4. #4
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    Hello Matthias,
    Please could you expand on your solution? I’m not sure I follow.

    As a working example, let’s say I have one level sensor (sump level high) and two switch channels (skimmer and pump), if the level sensor is activated, both channels turn off.

    Upon error reset, I would want the pump to run for a few minutes before the skimmer turns back on, otherwise it would overflow.

    This is just an example, but I can think of multiple scenarios. For example, after feed mode, maintenance mode etc.

    Many thanks,

  5. #5
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    For your example you would need to configure a control circuit with return pump mode and then configure a prog. logic as follows:
    Function: Delayed on
    Input 1: Fill water [Inverted]
    Time: e.g. 120s
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thilo View Post
    For your example you would need to configure a control circuit with return pump mode and then configure a prog. logic as follows:
    Function: Delayed on
    Input 1: Fill water [Inverted]
    Time: e.g. 120s
    Hi Thilo,

    Technically it’s working, but I may be doing something wrong also.

    Unless I’m not understanding, the delay is controlled by the maximum on time of the control circuit, which you invert in the prog logic, thus creating a delay.
    This is an additional control circuit, additional to the existing control circuit, as the one sensor controls multiple outputs, some I need a delay, some I do not.

    It is working, but once the maximum on time is reached and the switch channel activates, an alarm is triggered due to max on time.
    If I clear it manually, then the skimmer again turns off, until, the max on time is reached.
    So you have to enable automatically reset, otherwise it doesn’t work the next time the sensor is triggered.

    This means I have a permanent active alarm, which I cannot clear.

    Is this correct? I believe this is correct, as an alarm is always triggered at max on time is reached, regardless of the scenario.

    As a workaround this solution works and provides me the feature I wanted, but it’s imperfect and VERY complicated, it’s far from intuitive. It also uses up an additional control circuit.

    The feature request is still a feature request in my opinion.
    Not only would this be a perfect solution, but it would be completely intuitive.
    The request is that on switch channels we could set a “Delayed On Time”, which would work very similar to “Blackout Time”, but would trigger every time the switch is activated, rather than just on startup.

    Also the above solution doesn’t fix the issue with feed and maintenance mode, which cannot be resolved using prog logic.
    Last edited by kingy138; 03.01.2020 at 19:59.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingy138 View Post
    The request is that on switch channels we could set a “Delayed On Time”, which would work very similar to “Blackout Time”, but would trigger every time the switch is activated, rather than just on startup.
    This is exactly how it works if you use a prog. logic with delayed on. Just select the input you would assign to the switch channel and the function delayed on. Then assign this prog. logic to the switch channel.

    Quote Originally Posted by kingy138 View Post
    It is working, but once the maximum on time is reached and the switch channel activates, an alarm is triggered due to max on time.
    If I clear it manually, then the skimmer again turns off, until, the max on time is reached.
    So you have to enable automatically reset, otherwise it doesn’t work the next time the sensor is triggered.
    That's how the max on time works. If the state does not change back in the given time, an alarm is triggered and the fill/drain water action is aborted. That's a security function. You can deactivate it by entering 0.

    For more info check the ProfiLux programming guide and the prog. logic guide from our downloads:
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  8. #8
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    Kingy138, I totally agree, GHL has made what should be simple and turned it into a difficult process. So many people use a Skimmer and ATO delay for a multitude of reasons. I personally would use a delay for feeding and maintenance all modes.

    I just hate the “programable logic gates” these don’t make anything easy. Imagine trying to program a 15 minute delay start on 1 socket for all 4 feed and 4 maintenance modes. Near as I can figure, this would need 16 PL gates just to set up 1 socket... nothing easy about that. This.. this is what I’m faced with. I need all these modes programmed for 1 socket for my skimmer. Then I need program 8 PL for my ATO to do something similar...

    There has to be a better way.

  9. #9
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    Hi Thilo,

    I must still not be understanding correctly then.
    As the way I've got it setup right now, I've got a permanent alarm.

    You keep saying "delayed on", but I don't see a feature or option called Delayed On. I only see Max On Time, and this is what is causing the alarm.

    Please help, as I must be doing something wrong, as I'm sure you wouldn't be suggesting a solution which gives me an alarm all the time (after the delay is finished).

    I've attached a bunch of screenshots.
    My skimmer is controlled by three sensors. "Sump High", "Skimmer Cup Full" and "Leak Sensor". These three have been working fine.

    I want a delay AFTER the "Sump High" sensor is not longer active.

    Following your suggestion, I created a new control circuit (10), but still pointed to the same sensor (2).
    I set a max on time of 30 minutes against control circuit 10 and then invert this on the program logic.

    Functionally this works and now I have a delayed start after the sensor deactivates.

    BUT, this then triggers a permanent alarm, until the next time the sensor is activated.

    I do not want any alarm, but I want a delay.

    This could really do with a simple "How To" guide.

    Please send help

    Screenshot 2020-01-10 at 14.50.40.pngScreenshot 2020-01-10 at 14.51.12.pngScreenshot 2020-01-10 at 14.52.37.pngScreenshot 2020-01-10 at 14.53.03.pngScreenshot 2020-01-10 at 14.53.29.png

  10. #10
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    Take a look at the P4 Resource Guide, page 110.
    How to delay...

    Although it talks about delaying a skimmer, the concept is still the same for Fill water functions (Float/Optical sensors)

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