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Thread: MyGHL security key

  1. #1
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    Beitrag MyGHL security key

    Started setting up my Profilux P4 controller, Control center. Set up the USB and WIFI connections, I'm trying to set up myGHL (cloud) connection. this is where my problem starts. In the Control Center, I connected to the wifi connection, then opened up SYstem-Communication, switched to myghl button, and my GHL ID# has always showed the right number. However, the box below that, the security key does not show any numbers, there is no security key, which I will need for myghl add device screen. So that's where I'm stopped from continuing on to open up my P4 (myghl). **********! Any help would be greatly appreiciated, Thanx.

  2. #2
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    The myGHL security key is for one-time use only and only appears when the procedure for adding a device to myGHL has been initiated (i.e. after the ID has been typed in or the "Add this device to myGHL" button has been pressed).
    It is also essential that ProfiLux has access to the Internet, and that its network configuration (including gateway and DNS server) is functional.

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