Hi everybody!

Although I bought my GHL dosing pump system a few months ago, together with a ProfiLux computer, I just installed it yesterday.
After struggling for a couple of hours to program the four pumps so that the needed amounts will be dosed and enough time will be left between dosings of different substances, I observed a few minutes ago that a dosing process overlaping a feed pause was automatically delayed until the feed pause ended (awesome!!!).
Now, I wonder if there are other rules programmed into my ProfiLux to make my life easier with setting the dosing pumps up?!?
I re-read the manuals (both programming the ProfiLux and pumps' one) to no avail.
I ruled out "automatic dosing" for Mg, Ca and Alk because I thought the length of the day will be equally divided to the number of additions per day and thus it would be highly probable that sometimes the times of addition of any two substances will overlap or be too soon one after the other. Is there by any chance a rule set up in my ProfiLux to avoid such circumstances???
Any input would be highly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!