My Mitras LX 7206 have been in storage for nearly two years so they are probably due some updates (Firmware 1.11 07/10/219). Even so they work and I can adjust the intensities, spectrums and times via the App and GCC there's no issue with WiFi connection or other functionality I can see.

Except.... Moon light. Both basic and Advanced options are 'greyed out'. Using GCC I can adjust the start and end time in Basic (which despite being greyed out works) and the full moon date in advanced shows 22/12/2018 - a date I can't change. I can't turn Basic Off or Advanced on or change brightness, but I can use the illumination channels to change which lights are operated by the (inaccessible) moonlight function - so in practice I can turn it off.

Obviously I must be doing something wrong, but what?

Any ideas?
