Installed the COM port, code 10, doesn't start. Pointed it to the driver folder in the GHL Control Center folder.

The reason I used the RS232 converter was because I watched your video on how to update firmware. I assumed since the how to video was posted that was the preferred way to do it.

Thanks for the help, I'm not an expert however I'm not computer illiterate either. I've installed other controllers and many light systems over the years and never had issues like I'm having with "The best" controller and lights out there today. I've RTFM too many times to count, I've read the forums for weeks waiting on my order to come in so I'd be prepared. Nothing prepared me for this level of frustration. Thanks again for the help, I'll keep trying today. The next two days are out as Christmas celebrations with the family take precedence. I might have this working in a month. Not what I expected.