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Thread: Access light scenarios from Profilux?

  1. #11
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    The iOS application should be available in the coming days.
    In the meantime, use or the local web interface from via Safari.
    The channel names are those of the descriptions of the ProfiLux illumination channels, so you must fill in the descriptions of the illumination channels in ProfiLux.

    For your other question, if you want some Mitras to have different brightness while following the same programming, I suggest you change the power output of those Mitras:

    Last edited by Gael; 10.01.2023 at 08:21.
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  2. #12
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    Thanks. And sorry - someone else set up my lighting for me and I'm not too versed in the GHL terminology when it comes to lights. What is an "Illumination channel"? Is that the same as the colors of the bulbs?

    Regarding changing the output of the lights, how do I individually address the lights to adjust that setting? Can I do it from the app? If I have to do it with a USB cable and GCC, that's not going to work. I have 6 lights, and trying to tweak them individually, disconnecting and reconnecting to each light, rechecking the lighting with a PAR meter, that would take forever.

    Meanwhile, I now see that after I updated the firmware in my profilux, it lost all knowledge of my expansion boxes and my KH Director!!!!! I will open a support ticket for this.

  3. #13
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    Hello Dave,

    Don't be sorry, there's no problem, we're here to help.
    Yes, each Mitras LED color channel corresponds to an illumination channel.
    The Mitras output power adjustment is done at the level of each Mitras, so you have to connect to it individually either by USB or via the network or via myGHL if you have added them to myGHL.
    Concerning the update of the ProfiLux, during a major update it is necessary to restore the parameters from a backup (this is why it is necessary to systematically save the parameters as well as the parameters of the probes before an update) and it is also necessary to redo PAB assignment.
    Vinny takes care of your ticket.

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  4. #14
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    Okay... So I have to manually label the illumination channels, I guess I have to figure out on my own what colors they are assigned to. I think I've seen that somewhere, I'll try to find it.

    And please help me understand how to individually address each light over the network. That would also be a hassle, but much easier than using GCC and a USB cable! So if I have all the lights as slaves to a single master light, there is still a way to individually talk to each light and separately assign it a "max output power" setting? I didn't know you could do that.

    Regarding my ticket - yes, Vinny is helping me. But it seems that I lost all history for the sensors connected to my expansion boxes, as well as the units settings, and I'm not sure what else.
    Last edited by Dave_T; 10.01.2023 at 18:11.

  5. #15
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    With a ProfiLux, the Mitras are not slaves of a master Mitras but they are normally all slaves of the ProfiLux which must be the only master.
    I'm afraid I missed a step with you, can you confirm that your ProfiLux is equipped with a PLM-PWC card?
    This card is essential for the ProfiLux to act as a master with Mitras lamps.
    But indeed yes, I confirm that the MitrasLX7, (unlike a Doser SA in slave mode) always respond via myGHL or the network even in slave mode, this in order to be able to configure individual parameters such as maintenance, offset clouds, or sunrise and energy parameters.

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  6. #16
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    Aha! This is all news to me - that you can configure the lights as slaves of the profilux.

    I think I do have the expansion card in there, how do I check? Is this something I would need to physically connect to the lights, or does the Profilux talk to them over wifi...?

    Right now, I have 6 mitras lights on my display tank - one master and 5 slaves. I did all programming by adjusting the settings on the master. So I can make the lights all slaves of the Profilux? Is this new? That would be useful. When light scenarios were not accessible from the profilux, I'd have been less interested, but maybe I should change things over, now that they are. Is there anything else that you can't do with the lights if you access them exclusively through your profilux?

    If I make all the lights as slaves of the profilux, how do I carry my settings over from what I have now? Will I still be able to make global changes that affect all the lights, or would I have to configure each individually? One fly in the ointment is that I also have a 7th Mitras on my frag tank. I'd like to be able to separately configure that...

  7. #17
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    The card will appear on the system page under "Expansion Card"

    The following article in our knowledge base talks about this topic

    As I said, the illumination schedule will be set on the ProfiLux, as well as ligh scenarios, and the launch of maintenances, only the individual parameters such as maintenances settings, cloud offsets or sunrise offsets and the energy parameters remain to be configured directly on each lamp.

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  8. #18
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    Ok! This sounds like the way to go, much better than having to configure the lights by having them be slaves off of the master light.

    So I think I do have the expansion card. But it doesn't show up in the system page. I checked my invoice, and I actually purchased two of the PLM cards. I think they're installed in two of the expansion boxes I have, does that make sense? If so, is there a way to check?

    And once I have that working, just to be clear - will I need to reprogram the lights? They are already configured as I want them, will that programming carry over when I make them slaves to the profilux? And will I still be able to have two groups of lights - one for the lights over my display, and one for the light over my frag tank? I'd want to be able to program the schedules, light scenarios, etc, separate for each of those two groups.

  9. #19
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    Attention, all the cards are called PLM-something, here it is PLM-PWC (reference PL-1011).
    There is no point in having two PLM-PWC cards because the ProfiLux can currently only manage one.
    The cards installed in Expansion box do not appear in System, you have to open the boxes to find out.

    Yes, it will be necessary to redo the lighting schedule on the ProfiLux, it is not "transferable".

    Unfortunately the ProfiLux can currently manage only one "group" of Mitras LX (since it manages only one PLM-PWC card).
    Only the lighting power can be set individually on each Mitras, as well as a delay in the scheduling of + or - 60 min. (it is for example possible to configure the Mitras of the main tank with an advance of 60 mn and those of the frag tank with a delay of 60 mn and there will be then 2 hours of delay between the two), it will not be possible to define different schedules or different lighting scenarios.
    It is also possible to keep one of the Mitras of the frag tank as master and therefore to manage via the ProfiLux only the Mitras of the main tank.

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  10. #20
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    I did purchase two of the PLM-PWC cards. Vinny helped my vendor put my order together. If you're right, that must have been a mistake. I think he thought I needed two for wifi coverage? My display tank is on the opposite side of my house from my sump. I have an expansion box located next to each of those.

    As long as I can adjust the power separately, I think I can live with that. I definitely need different power on my shallower frag tank, but I don't suppose I'll need any other differences in programming.

    But that would be a shame if I can't move the schedule over, or my other programming. Can you backup/restore lighting schedules at all, if you manage the lights from the profilux? People share lighting schedules all the time, I'm currently using an AB+ schedule I got from your website:

    So if I manage the lights from the profilux, I'll no longer be able to load/adapt projects that other people have created for the Mitras?

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