View Full Version : Filter socket also turn off?

07.04.2009, 03:22
My question is how can I make a socket that I have set up to filter (for feeding) turn off at night from like 11 pm to 1 pm? Can this be done with programmable logic?
Thanks, Jimmy:confused:

07.04.2009, 04:39
It's easy
Make a programmable logic with the following.

Timer 1 (whatever timer number you use)

08.04.2009, 01:37
Hello Lorin thanks for the response but I think I still have a problem I have three sockets set to filter: S19, S20 & S21 I only want socket 19 to shut off on the timer at night and also filter for feeding. This is the socket for my closed loop pump and wavebox so I don't want this socket on at night.

09.04.2009, 07:41
Well I did this and seems to work tell me what you think:
G2 function: Equal
Input 1: Filter
Input 2: Timer 4

Timer 4 = start 2pm end 11pm
Set socket 19 to programable logic 2
So this should turn my socket on at 2pm and off at 11pm and also off when filter function is active correct??

09.04.2009, 20:25
Look ok to me!

15.04.2009, 03:13
It does work like this.